Chapter 136: Present Mic's POV

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Yamada's POV:

"Shoooooo..." I said in a bored and whiny tone.

Sho then sighed before asking in a long and drug out tired tone, "Whaaaat?"

"Do we have to watch the news?"

He sat up from having his head resting on my shoulder and looked to me, "Yes," then back to the TV, "Y/N could be a part of this. If she is, they'll more than likely have videos of her at work. She tends to be there on sight when there's breaking news."

"But it's a bomb threat."

"So? They could have asked her to help out with finding bombs. There are ten sights, so the bomb squads may be in small numbers." he explained.

I sighed as I rested my head on my hand, "I guess that could happen."

He then seemed to be thinking before saying, "Maybe we should head over and help. It's sort of odd that we weren't called in since it looks like a lot of other heroes are helping to evacuate people and looking for whoever planted the bombs if there are any."

"What are we to do though? We weren't called in, so we're fine."

"But still, if Y/N was called to help, then we should have been too."

"Sho, she has countless quirks, I'm sure that she's using them all to society's advantage." I said as I lifted my head from my hand.

"That doesn't matter, we can help somehow."

"The last time I checked, you weren't able to disarm a bomb with your quirk and neither can I."

He was then quiet for a minute. "Maybe we should go. Eri's asleep, right? She should be fine." he said as he began to stand up.

I took him by the back of the shirt and pulled him back down to the sofa. "Let's just stay here and watch from afar. If we aren't called in, it's not our fault; and since when are you revving to go and ditch sleep to go on the clock? Huh? Besides, Y/N's got it covered if she's helping with that."

Just then on the TV it showed a shaky video of Y/N falling to the ground head first and disappearing behind a building. Both Sho and I shot up from the sofa and stared at the TV with disbelief and worry. As soon as those emotions swept over us, they both went away upon seeing her fly back up in the air towards the person who was floating there. Y/N then must have turned herself invisible since you could no longer see her, but then you could see that the person was then tied up and floated down to the ground slowly. Just then Y/N appeared, holding onto the person who we presumed was a criminal since she was fighting the person. The more we looked at the person, they looked like they were wearing the suit that people on the bomb squad would, so that threw us off.

We then sat down as Sho said in a concerned tone, "I hope that she's not pushing herself. I don't want her to be toppling over in pain from her heart racing. Every time that it happens, it always scares the crap out of me."

I sighed, "Yeah, me too." there was a pause for a couple minutes as we watched the TV closely. "Y/N's a strong girl." I said quietly.

"That she is...perhaps too strong. She bottles up too much and when that bottle shatters, she can't seem to control it. I don't blame her; it's like trying to grasp at sand but it keeps on seeping between your fingers." Sho said as he leaned on me, resting his head on my shoulder again.

"Why does she do that? I have a feeling that you may know since you seem to understand her."

He thought about it, "I'm not sure, but I think that it's because she's been alone for so long that she's never known how or if she should tell someone how she feels." he paused, "I'm glad that Nezu thought of the plan that we watch after her. I've known- we've known- about many students who've converted to evil because of their past. Sadly, Y/N's past fits that description; but I'm proud that she's this young and is already doing good and being so selfless."

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