Chapter 14: Can this day get any better?

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A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door, and out of habit, I looked through the peephole to see that it was All Might, but in his normal form.

I opened the door and said, "Come in. Let's try and hurry to get this done cause I have other things to accomplish today."

He responded as he walked in, slowly turning into his All Might form, "Alright, for how incredible your quirks are, this should go quick!" He then stood behind a fairly large chunk of wall, "Is it fine to start with this one?"

I then nodded my head, watching him pick up the piece and stand it up so when I used a quirk to bond them back together, it would stand on its own and I could work off of that.

As I took my hands out of my pockets to channel my quirk through my palms and onto the shattered piece of wall, he looked over to me to see if I was ready. "Ready-" He then stopped mid-sentence and paused for a moment before continuing on, "Ready to fix the wall?" I nodded again.

'Why did he pause?' I thought to myself as I started to bond the chunk at the base where the wall and floor met.

When we were about half way done with rebuilding the wall, it was then I realized, 'Shit! He must have seen my arms!' I then paused for a moment and said as I rolled down my sleeves, "It-it's get-getting kinda chilly out."

He then said with his hero smile, "Mmm, yes, it is starting to get a little cold out the more the sun is going down."

We then continued and finished a few minutes later. As I quickly swept, All Might turned back into his Toshinori form.

As I put the broom away, I told him, "You can go ahead and have a seat." I then closed the door to the closet and started to walk towards the kitchen as I continued, "I'll make some tea; or do you prefer coffee instead?"

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw that he had taken a seat in the chair that is facing the kitchen. He responded, "Tea would be fine, thank you."

I opened the cupboard and looked around for the tea as I said, "Oh, I should be the one thanking you. I mean-" I turned around to start boiling water as I continued, "I could have done it by myself, but with being a hero and all, along with all of the rules and not making much money right now, this was the best way that I could think of to repair the wall without paying for anything really." I then brought over the tea and cups, "Thank you very much" I added as I sat them down on the coffee table.

He then thanked me for the tea. After he took a few sips, he stared at the ground as if he was thinking of something. 'Please don't let him be thinking of what he saw on my arms.' I thought to myself.

He then raised his head and asked, "Y/N, are you alright?"

I responded with a fake, soft smile, "I'm fine. Well, besides being a little angry about the wall and all, I'm fine."

He then said in a sorry, whispering tone, "Y/N, I don't think you are. I mean, your ar-"

I cut him off, "I know. I'm just..." I said quietly.

"You are a hero now. People depend on you now. I don't quite know what you are going through, but please, Y/N, don't do that. There are so many other things that you can do rather than something that...that destructive. You know?" He said, trying his best to help me.

I just looked down and stared at the floor. I then whispered, "I know."

He then sighed, but not in a mean way. It was more like he could almost feel my pain. "Can I-" he paused to correct himself. "May I see?"

I clutched my right hand around my left arm, since that arm is the worst looking. I whispered, "I suppose so. You've already kinda seen it. What difference would it make hiding it from you now?" I then hesitantly and slowly rolled up each sleeve. Shamefully, I held out both of my arms and hung my head low.

He sat his cup down on the coffee table, scooted to the edge of his seat, and carefully grabbed the back of my left hand, positioning my arm so he could see it fully in the light. "Please stop." he spoke kindly.

I whispered, "I'm so sorry."

He then added as he slowly let go of the back of my hand, "I feel like a father to you and young Midoriya. It pains me to see you two in pain. And for you to be-I just want to Texas Smash whatever it is that is making you do this in its face."

I whisper again, "I'm sorry." then rolled down my sleeves. I took a deep breath, lifted my head and said in a somber tone, "I haven't told you thank you enough." I was trying to change the subject.

He then lifted his tea, taking a sip before asking, "For what? I haven't done much."

"Of course you have, you have done plenty! You've helped me with so much! Just now you helped me with the wall and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be a hero now and in UA. You helped me when I was little and struggling with so much. Not to mention that you are like a father to me. You are very supportive and you're always there when I call for help. Like-" I then point to the wall with my thumb, "I feel like I should do more for you." I looked down at my feet and added in the best sorry tone that I was able to do, "But all I have done is worry you about other things along with my...habits." I looked back up and said normally, "Please, any time that you need anything to be done- like, it can be something as little as to bring you a coffee in the morning- please, tell me, cause I really feel like I should start to pay you back somehow."

Within the time it took me to say that, he had already finished off his tea. When I finished, he just nodded his head at first for a few seconds before saying, "Well, you can start off by trying to stop hurting yourself. I mean, do anything you need to do to stop it. I understand that it may take some time, but I can wait." There was a pause, "Well, I suppose I better be going." He declared as he stood up.  I then followed him to the door to see him off.

Once he stepped outside I said, "If you could, please don't tell anyone."

He then said with a half smile, "Since you've been keeping mine secret, it would only seem right for me to keep yours. But even if you were to tell someone mine, I still wouldn't ever say yours."

I then smiled the best I could and said, "Thank you. Well then, see you later, hopefully when we get back to school will be the next time I see you." I then added as I rubbed the back of my neck, "Or unless I need your help again."

He then turned away and said, "Yeah, see you later."

I then closed the door and turned around but just as I did, I forgot to tell him something important.

I swung open the door, ran out and stopped just as he made it to the stairs, "Toshinori!" He then turned around and I added, "I forgot to tell you something!" He then started walking back but I met him halfway. "Just before I started beating up..." I paused cause I forgot the one dude's name.

He then said, "Shigaraki."

I then continued, "Yeah him-he asked me if I wanted to join him and that I was strong enough to stop his...uhh..."

There was another pause and Toshinori filled in the blank, "Nomu."

I continued again, "Yes! That. So, he said that I was so strong to defeat it that he's sure that not even you would be able to defeat one."

He then looked to the sky cause he noticed that clouds had rolled in, causing me to look too. It looked like it was going to rain. Sure enough, it did.

I then ask, "Need an umbrella?" He nodded his head. I then ran to my apartment, grabbed an umbrella and lent it to him.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to give it back." he turned around, "Bye then." and walked off. I could tell that he was deep in thought after I told him about my encounter.

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