Chapter 139: Finally awake

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Normal POV:

I awoke one day, not really sure what time or day it was...well, I suppose it was night since it was dark out, yet I saw light shining into my room; so I took the hint that someone was up and in the living room or else where within that area. It took me many tries before I was able to sit up. Once I was up, I rubbed my chest since it was a little achy. I then realized that I was in my room, not out on the streets like I last remembered. I slowly pushed my legs out from under the covers and over the edge of my bed. I pushed myself off of my bed to try and stand. My knees were wobbly and just about gave out, but I pushed one foot in front of the other and stumbled over to the railing. I knew that trying to go down the spiral staircase would have been the biggest feat that I would have to do, so I slid down those like the five year old that I am and got up slowly back onto my feet.

I tried to walk out to the railing that was outside of my door. It was very hard, but I wasn't going to give up. It was like there was the whole world on my shoulders as I walked. My body felt so heavy. I had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times before I continued to the railing. Once I made it, I held onto the railing for dear life as I slid down to the floor. I tried to clear my throat, but I couldn't seem to conjure up enough strength to do that. My throat was so dry that I didn't know if I could make out a peep. I opened my mouth to try and get Aizawa and Yamada's attention. Yamada was sitting on the left side of the sofa while Aizawa was lying down, curled up in the other corner of the sofa.

"Hey." I rasp out in an inaudible whisper, so I try again, "Hey, guys." I rasp out a little louder. I figured that if I wasn't able to be heard, I could make some sort of noise. I thought about dropping something from between the spindles of the railing, so I checked my hoodie pocket to see if I had anything. As I did that, I realized that I was no longer in my hero costume. I stood up slowly again and began for my room. I didn't know how I was able to do it since I used nearly all of my strength to walk out of my room. Once I was back in my room, I went to the coffee table and picked up my quirk notebook since it was within easy grasp. When I had it in hand, I stumbled back out to the railing and slid down to the floor like before.

I gave the notebook a weak toss, so weak that it didn't even make it to the sofa, or anywhere near that, and it wasn't even that far. Not going to lie, I was almost embarrassed at how horrible of a toss that was. Anyways, once Yamada heard the noise from the notebook hitting the ground, he got spooked. He jumped and began to look around. I put my arm out between the spindles and waved my hand weakly. He shot up and ran towards the stairs. He caused such a commotion that Aizawa woke up and looked around as he squinted with tired eyes. He too took notice of me as I waved for his attention just as Yamada made it to me. Aizawa too shot up and ran towards the stairs, stumbling over his feet but catching himself before he fell.

I let my hand fall and rested my head on a spindle as Yamada said, "Y/N, what are you doing out here? Are you alright? Don't push yourself!" Aizawa then joined us.

"You're starting to sound like Aizawa." I rasp out in a whisper as I give a weak smile and look at them through the corner of my eye since I was still facing the living-room.

"We're going to get you back in bed. You aren't looking so good. How are you feeling?" Aizawa said as he tried to get me to stand up by putting his hand under my arm, but I took my arm back and held it close to my body.

"I never look good." I said quietly as I looked out at the living-room.

"C'mon, back to bed you go." Yamada said as he too tried to get me to stand.

I shook my head slowly and weakly, "N-no...let me sit here a bit."

They both looked to each other as if they were debating over it telepathically before Aizawa said with a sigh, "Fine." and taking a seat on the floor too in front of me. Once Yamada saw him do that, he too joined us on the floor.

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