Chapter 27: Alright, a new plan

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On Monday before everyone was dismissed to lunch, Aizawa made another announcement, "Y/N, Principle Nezu would like to speak with you in his office. The rest of you are dismissed for lunch."

I griped for a little while as everyone shuffled out, then left just as the last person did. When I finally made it there, I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in." Nezu's voice was muffled by the door. I opened it, and as soon I stepped in he said cheerfully, "Ahh, Y/N. I was expecting you. Here-" he paused momentarily as he put his hand out which pointed to the chair that was in front of his desk, "have a seat." I took up the offer and sat down. "I'd like to discuss something with you." He went on as he too sat down. "Earlier this morning Mr. Aizawa explained to me that you don't have any parent or guardian to sign the dormitory papers. Is that correct?" I nodded my head. He continued after he paused for a response. "Well, I also started to put into consideration that you have been attacked not only once, but twice by villains, with the latest being the most brutal. I think that for your safety, you should house with a hero. I would let you house yourself in the dorms, but I think you can understand what I'm getting at. Another reason is that in the past we have had students attend UA who too didn't have parents; who lived on their own like you. I'm quite saddened to say but they all have turned into evil doers. With a quirk as great as yours, I think it'd be best if we try this. Also, you may be thinking, 'So you created a dorm system for everyone just cause I live alone and have no family?' No, it also is for the safety of other students. Now, with that being out of the way, what are your thoughts?"

I asked kind of shocked at what he was proposing, "Who would I live with? If you didn't already know, All Might has been spending the night at my house to protect me lately."

Nezu cut me off, "Oh that's right, you and All Might are quite close. See, I too thought about continuing with him doing that, but his health has been slowly declining over the years. I think it'd be best if he lived his life while you keep your more dangerous one separate from his."

'Who new a little rat could piss me off.' I thought just as he finished that sentence, but his speaking continued.

"Though, I do know your relationship with him; he practically raised you like a child of his own and you see him as a parent figure. I understand that, but you also have to think of the safety of those around you too."

I responded, trying to not sound pissed off, "Well if I'm so dangerous then, who am I going to live with? Isn't it for the best if I just live alone like usual?"

Nezu added as he glanced over to the clock hanging on the wall, "You do have a point. You may choose to live alone; that is if you don't mind being on constant alert 24/7." He paused to see if I would respond, I didn't. "Well then, to answer your very first question: Someone already volunteered to house you. I didn't even have to ask them; it was even mainly their idea."

I raised an eyebrow, "Then who is it?"

He announced with a mischievous smile, "They should be arriving any moment."

The door crept open. I didn't turn around to look until I heard the door close once again. When it did, I turned around to get a load of who was going to house me.

'WHAT!? ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MIND!?' I thought to myself, clenching my jaw to make sure that it didn't drop.

"Hey, Y/N." Mic said happily with a smile as Aizawa leaned his back on the wall.

Quickly I looked towards Nezu and mouth the words, "Are you sure?" He silently nodded his head. I mouthed again, "Have they lost their mind?" He shook his head with a smile.

Looking back at them, Mic asked with a smile, "Is everything alright?"

I nodded my head just as I started to say, "Ye-yeah." I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what else to say. Why would they volunteer? They seem like a couple that wouldn't really want to watch after some little shit like me; but then again, who knows. I can't read people's minds...yet. Perhaps they were in need of some extra money and would get paid extra for watching after me. I couldn't tell.

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