Chapter 77: I'm not lazy

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Even though it looked like the lodge was a long ways away from the look out, it took longer than I expected to get there. I took a nap as soon as I got on the bus and I woke up before we got there. When I sat up and stretched, my stomach started to growl. I tried to curl up in a way so that my stomach could be a little quieter. I didn't want Aizawa to hear it even though it sounded like a damn whale, hoping that he wouldn't force me to eat something like a granola bar since I knew that he packed a whole box of those and a box of fruit squeezes. Once my stomach stopped growling momentarily, I looked over to him to see if he noticed. He did, he was just looking at me with the deadest look that is humanly possible. I gave him a sheepish smile. He then looked over and reached for his bag.

'Yep, knew it...he heard the whale mating calls.'

He turned to me as he passed me a protein bar, "Here."

I slowly put my hand out to grab it, took hold of it, and slowly brought it back towards myself. "Thank you." I said quietly.

"You know, you should really eat breakfast every morning, even when you're not hungry." He said as he turned his head to look out the window.

"Well-" I started.

"'Well' nothing, you mustn't starve yourself. You should be eating more since you need all the energy you can get due to the fact that you have so many quirks. The last thing that should happen is that you get hurt from exhausting your quirks and shortening the time and strength of the quirk." He said, making it an order that I eat.

As he was talking I opened the protein bar and took a bite. "Trust me, I won't over use them."

"As if I've never heard that before." Aizawa said, sounding kind of sour.

I took another bite of the bitter tasting bar before saying, "I won't..." I was going to go on with my idea, but I didn't want to dampen the mood because it was going to be something along the lines of, 'I won't, because if I did, I think that I wouldn't wear myself out, I'd rather just die since not even my reanimation quirk would work.'

After a few minutes of silence as I finished eating the protein bar, Aizawa asked, "Why are you so lazy?"

"Why am I so lazy?" I said, repeating what he just said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked as I squinted my eyes and raised my eyebrows.

He began to explain, "You could have joined the rest of your class on their trek to the lodge, but instead you decided to take the easy way."

"You could have joined them too." I said.

"Touché." He said before a pause, then continuing, "I mean you could have teleported and be there already. You're lucky that I was able to use the excuse that you're already a hero and that it's optional for you."

"Yeah, thanks for that! I'm still kinda tired so at least I was able to sleep a little more." I said, happy that I didn't have to do what everyone else had to do. "I also get to enjoy the beautiful silence since everyone is off doing...whatever it is they're doing."

"I suppose you're right about that; the silence is pretty great." He said before resting his elbow on the middle arm rest of the two seats that he was sitting at and rested his chin on his hand.

For the rest of the way we slept, but once we made it to the lodge the poor bus driver had to wake us up. Once we were there, Aizawa and I took our stuff and went to put it in the rooms that we were instructed to stay in. We then waited outside for the class to show up. As we sat there outside, I started to get a little grumpy because it was hot out and there were too many bugs. I grumbled quietly to myself about the things that were pissing me off. Once a huge dragonfly landed on my leg, causing me to freak out, I said to hell with it and stood up so I could go inside.

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