Chapter 84: The great escape

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I had turned around to look out the window, but as I watched the people below me, I started to doze off. I was startled awake by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I jumped and looked to my right to see Yamada standing there, holding my backpack.

"Sorry if I scared you." He said as he removed his hand. "I knocked before I entered, so..."

I waved my right hand as I flung hair over my left shoulder that was in my face, "It's alright, I was kinda sleeping so I didn't know you were here."

He sat the bag on the sofa, "If you're going to sleep you should sleep in bed instead of the wheelchair."

"Yeah, I know, but I can't help it." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

He put a hand on his hip as he pointed, "Where'd those flowers come from?"

I looked down to them, "Oh," I looked back to Yamada, "Midoriya stopped by not too long ago to give these to me and to apologize for my injuries even though it wasn't his fault. Anyways, he said that everyone in the class chose a flower, which then created this bouquet."

"How thoughtful of them. Do you have a vase for them?" he asked.

I looked around the room to see if a makeshift one was around. "Nope." I then added quietly, "I honestly don't even care for flowers. I think they're cliché, and not to mention that they wreak; but since it's the thought that counts, I suppose I can tolerate it for now."

"Huh." He said as if he found something out.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I didn't know you don't like flowers."

"Yeah, nope; I'm not a plant sort of person, so I don't quite care for any sort of plant." I said kinda nervously. He just nodded his head in acknowledgement.

He looked to the window, "I see that they haven't come in to replace the window."

"Nope, just a nurse here and there has stopped by to see how I'm doing and to write stuff on a clipboard." I said as I too looked to the window.

"It's a nice day out, wanna head out for some air?" He asked as he still looked out the window.

I fought with the idea. "I suppose that'd be alright, but I would like a hoodie to cover my arms."

He smiled as he picked up my bag and pulled out one of my many hoodies, "I knew you were going to say something like that."

I put on a small smile as I took it, "Thank you." I then put it over the T-shirt that I was wearing. I sighed out of comfort and said in a happy tone, "It feels so nice to be back in a hoodie. It's like a blanket I get to hide in."

He walked behind the wheel chair and was about to start pushing it out of the room. "Wait." I exclaimed. "Did you bring a pair of jeans? I'd like to change out of these sweatpants. I've been wearing these for a while, so they're starting to feel uncomfortable."

"I think I did." He said as he went back to the sofa to look in the bag. He pulled out a folded pair of dark blue skinny jeans. "You don't have that many colors to choose from, so I imagine that these would have been fine."

I slowly stood up then took the folded up jeans. "Of course it's fine. I have only two colors of jeans, so the color doesn't matter." I then walked to the bathroom slowly to quickly change. Five minutes later I walked out carrying my sweatpants folded up. "I had a hell of a time changing. It's not that easy when you're still a little weak." I said as I tossed the pants onto the sofa, next to my backpack. "Did you bring my phone?"

"Sure did." Yamada picked up my bag again and pulled out my phone before handing it to me. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." I said as I started for the door while he just stood still.

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