Chapter 145: Lunch plans

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I woke up Saturday morning in a crap mood. I woke up on my own terms, without an alarms help, so I didn't know why I was so angry as though someone woke me. I got out of bed as I realized I wore a scowl. I gave a sigh as I removed it and looked to Melody, who was sitting on the top step, waiting for me to feed her. I gave her a nod, which she then turned around and walked down the spiral staircase to sit next to her bowls. I gathered my clothes for the day and draped them over my left arm before walking down to meet Melody to feed her. I gathered a can of soft cat food and plopped it in her bowl before going into the bathroom to get ready. As I was in the middle of changing, I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped in the middle of changing to think if I recalled anyone was to come over. After coming to the conclusion that no one was supposed to- or by the least to my knowledge- come over, I shrugged it off and continued to get ready.

Once I was just about to walk out of the bathroom, I stopped in front of the mirror and messed with my hair more. I hadn't realized how long and horrible my hair looked. Yeah, it still had it's fresh midnight blue color, looking as if I dyed it everyday so the color didn't fade, but the length and condition it was in was just bad. I split it in two and saw that it went down to my hips, then brought up the ends of my hair to see that the ends were horribly split and dry. I fixed that no problem with a quirk that I hadn't used in many years; so many that I didn't remember the last time that I used it or when I had cut my hair. Once I finished giving it a conditioning treatment to help resolve the dry issue, I stared at my long hair as I thought of the length and style I wanted.

After thinking about it for ten minutes, I figured that I'd settle with cutting it at an upper back length and to have it layered so it'd look a bit thicker. I turned around so I wasn't facing the mirror and closed my eyes as I activated the quirk that would cut my hair and style it for me. When the quirk finished dealing with my hair, I opened my eyes and looked down to only remember that when I use the quirk to cut my hair, it falls to the floor as if a person were to actually cut it. I griped about it as I generated a broom and swept up the mess and put it in the garbage. Once I absorbed the broom and dustpan back into my body, I turned to the mirror to look at the final product. I parted it in front of my shoulders and nodded my head as I inspected the length. I then realized that my bangs were also getting a bit too long. I trimmed those up too, so now I was looking a little more presentable than what I was before. Before I walked out of the bathroom, I changed my hair back to a natural color, light brown. The more that I looked at it, the more I hated it and wanted to change the color, but I didn't.

I then walked out with Melody following at my heels as I listened to people talking. As I paid more attention to it, I noticed that the third voice sounded familiar. Once I walked out of the entryway, I saw that it was Shinso who was over. I put my hands in my pocket as I said, "I didn't know that we were having company this weekend."

Aizawa sighed, "Yeah, I didn't either. He's supposed to call er something before he comes over, but whatever, he's here now."

I took a seat on the chair to the right of the sofa as Yamada said, "You got your haircut and colored!"


"When did you have that done?" Aizawa said in a slight angered tone.

"This morning."

"You left without telling us?" he said with a little bit of bite to his tone.

"I have many quirks...remember?" I said with a slight laugh.

In a skeptical tone he said, "You did that with a quirk?"

I took a chunk of hair and messed with it as I asked in a timid tone and looked down, "Does it look bad?"

"Man, the older you get the meaner you are." Shinso said to Aizawa.

"Yeah, Sho." Yamada said with a smile as he poked at him.

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