Chapter 141: I don't need help

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I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm. I didn't want to get up and get ready for school, but I knew I should go. I used all of my strength to pick Melody off of me since I was still fairly weak. I then stood up from the sofa and stumbled into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing that I'm as pale as a ghost and as thin as angel hair spaghetti. I looked horrible and that's no exaggeration. I got ready fairly quickly for how weak I still was. Once I was ready, I made my way down to the sofa in the living-room and waited there.

"Are you sure you're in good enough shape to be going to school?" Yamada asked as he walked out of their room.

"Of course, I'm just sitting there, so I'll be more then fine." I said, still a little weak.

"Well, as long as you don't fall asleep in class, I guess you'll be alright."

I scoffed before I said, "I swear you're starting to sound more and more like Aizawa."

"He worries too." Aizawa said as he walked out of their room. I jump a little upon hearing him. "Eri worries too." he paused as he stopped walking next to the couch where I was sitting, and crossed his arms. "Why do you think it's odd for people to worry about you?"

I looked down to think for a second before looking back up to him, "I guess it's because I've been alone for so long."

He gave a sigh as he shook his head and went to the counter to sit on a stool. Not too long later Eri joined me on the sofa, then we left for school once everyone was ready. Of course during school I was asked what happened to me since I guess they found out that I was injured. Thank god that they thought I was hurt during duty rather than from a preexisting condition.

"What happened, Y/N? You scared us all when we heard you got injured." Midoriya said in a concerned tone.

I said apologetically, "I'm sorry I scared you guys. I don't really know what happened since I blacked out and didn't wake up until Saturday. I have a feeling that it was someone's quirk."

"Do you know what the person looked like?" Uraraka asked.

I shook my head, "No, the person was wearing a bomb squad suit, so I couldn't see their face."

"On the news it showed that you went up after you fell. When did you black out?" Midoriya asked.

"When I was falling I created a clone, so I used that to defeat the villain and to take my place. I guess it didn't do a good job at taking my place while I was out, but at least it took care of the villain." I explained.

Before someone else could ask another question, class started. Lunch came around and Eri and Mirio ate lunch with me again. He too asked me what happened. He said that he was worried that I too lost my quirks, but I assured him that I didn't, that I was just unable to use them while I'm in the recovery process. The second half of the day were drills, which I had to sit out and give pointers. I was bored out of my mind since I wasn't asked to help much; I was probably asked once or twice. Once school was over, we went straight to the hospital for the check up. When we got there, the four of us waited in the waiting room.

When I was called back we all stood up, but Aizawa suggested to Yamada, "Why don't you wait here with Eri."

He sighed and said, "Alright, but be sure to forward the info to me."

"We will." Aizawa said before we followed the nurse.

After being asked many questions by the nurse and waiting a few minutes, the doctor finally entered the room I was waiting in. He sat behind the computer and typed a few things as he said, "Thank you for coming in earlier than what we first planned." then looked to me as he stopped typing, "How have you been feeling? Has your chest been hurting? We've noticed that last Wednesday night your heart stopped abruptly and didn't start again until Saturday. What happened?"

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