Thanksgiving Special

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(Note: This does not take place during the regular story; this is just a little story of its own.)

So, a little background before I start with the actual little story just in case you didn't know about this fairly new custom: In Japan they actually celebrate Thanksgiving too, but it's a little different from what we do in America. Theirs is called Labor Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated on November 23rd. They don't have a huge feast, what we see as a normal Thanksgiving dinner, they do something special for people who work really hard. For example, let's say that the father in the household works and supports the family, the family will then probably make his favorite food or do something for him that would show their appreciation. 

When I woke up, I looked at my phone and wondered what time it was since my alarm hadn't gone off yet. I look at the time and saw that it's a little after eleven. Once I saw the time, I quickly jumped out of bed, got dressed, and cleaned up. I don't like sleeping in past ten; unless I'm not in the best of health or depression has hit so hard that I want to sleep so it simulates death. Anyways, as soon as I opened my door, a wonderful smell filled my nose, which then carried me downstairs. As I walked out of the hallway, I was greeted by a much broader scent that made me want to drool. I tell ya, I was floating by the scent, similar to Scooby and Saggy in Scooby Doo. It smelt so fucking good!

"There you are, Y/N, we thought you weren't ever going to come out of your room." Aizawa said over his shoulder as he sat on the sofa.

Yamada stepped out of the kitchen, "Yeah, I was about to send Sho up to get you cause the food is almost done."

I turn towards the kitchen, "What are you making? It smells so good!"

"Well, it's nothing special, it's just sukiyaki." Yamada said as if it truly was nothing special. "I figured that since today is Labor Thanksgiving Day, I should make something bigger than what I usually make to show my appreciation for you guys."

'Oh shit, that's today! I should do something for them and Toshi!'

"I call doing dishes." I said as I walked to the living room to join Aizawa with watching TV.

"I'll do them since I made the dirty dishes." Yamada said as he turned to the food.

I was persistent, "Please, I insist that I do them."

"You should let her do them since she wants to do them so bad; you won't win anyways." Aizawa said to Yamada.

Yamada sighed, "Since you insist on doing them, I suppose that you can do them, though there is a good amount here."

"I'm okay with that." I said as I turned my attention towards the TV.

After about thirty minutes passed, Yamada yelled from the kitchen, "Foods done!"

As we stood up, Aizawa said, "There's no need to yell, we are right here."

As Yamada walked over with the bowls of sukiyaki, he said, "Sorry, Sho." He then sat the bowls down and we sat behind them. "I hope you like it, Y/N. I haven't made this before while you're here, so I don't know if you've had this before. Well, I just hope that you like it since you like the smell of it."

We said thanks for the food and began to eat. As soon as I took the first bite, I wanted to get up and dance cause I loved it so much. I guess that the look on my face gave it away too much, saying that I loved it.

"I can tell that you enjoy the meal." Aizawa said as he rested his hand that held his chopsticks on the edge of the table.

I nodded my head, "Yes, very much! It's so good, I love it!"

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