Chapter 163: I'll try to not disappoint

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Anger came roaring back as I said, "I'm sorry."

"For what now?" Aizawa asked.

"For this." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, teleporting him to the apartment and putting an invisible barrier around the door and windows, not allowing him to escape and get in my way.

Once he was back at the apartment, I walked to the side of the bed and began to heal Yamada's vocal chords, bumping up the quirks effects so it would go a little quicker. As I began to reconstruct them, I began to feel like a jerk for doing that to Aizawa. I began to beat myself up for being such an asshole.

Why do you always do things like that? You're just making their life harder.

Why are you such a disappointment?

Kill yourself.

You're not even wanted.

I paused the healing process and rammed my head into the wall as I muttered, "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." and stood there by the wall as I tried to find my composure.

Once I did, I went back to work. I healed him for about two hours before I heard the door slide open. Before I could look over, someone jerked my shoulder, causing me to stumble back a few steps to prevent myself from falling. I looked up to see that Aizawa, now in everyday clothes, was ferocious. Something about seeing him that mad sent a fear into me, making me scared that I was going to get beat up. I took a step back as I raised my hands, ready to protect myself.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, "I'm sorry." He put a hand on his hip and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other. "I'm sorry." I repeated.

"Do you know how much work it was to get out of the apartment? I had to go through the window in the pantry." he said.

I whispered as I looked away, "I forgot about that one."

He sighed as he put his hands into his pockets, "Why are you so bent out of shape to heal him?"

"You know...I was at fault for hurting him."

I could tell that he was getting sick of hearing me say that it was my fault. He took a seat and crossed his arms, "How many times do I have to say that it was absolutely not your fault."

"But I was healing him! I can do it! I can do it in six days, one week tops!" I said.

He sighed and said reluctantly, "Fine, but you can't miss school."

"Deal!" I said before I created a clone of myself and ordered it telepathically to heal Yamada and went to work right away.

"You find a way around everything, don't you."

"I do." I then said, "I'm going to start on the report for this, so do you need anything from the apartment?" then mumbled quietly, "As if you already weren't there."

He looked over to Yamada, "Yeah, a change of clothes for him. Just grab any shirt and sweatpants. His drawer is the top one of the dresser; there's only one."

"Yes, sir." I said, taking the order before teleporting to the apartment. As I removed my boots, I removed the barrier around the door and windows. I climbed the stairs to my room as I felt my energy draining, though slower due to my new hero costume. I kept my costume on as I began the report, which took an hour and a half; longer than what I expected since I can crank one out usually in thirty minutes. After that I went to their room and gathered what Aizawa told me to grab, and put them in my backpack that I had emptied before I left my room. When I finished what I needed to take care of at the apartment, I went back to the hospital. When I arrived, I noticed that Yamada was awake, which wasn't the few minutes that the doctor said it would be.

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