Chapter 81: An odd comeback

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I slowly open my eyes to see nothing but black; I mean I could see my hand in front of my face, but it's as if the walls, ceiling, and floor were painted black. I was floating with my legs folded beneath me as if I was sitting on them. I looked around to see if there was any way to get out, but I then remembered what happened.

'Is this the end?'

There was nothing but ear piercing silence.

'Hey, you there?'

I asked the dark voice that always tells me to do dark deeds. I waited a few seconds for a reply; there wasn't any.

'Am I dead?'

I began to panic. I thought that my heart began to race, but once I put my hand to my chest, I felt that there was no motion. Once I felt that there was no heartbeat, I started to panic more.

'I am...'

There was then a bright light in front of me that was off to the left slightly. It was as if a screen was many yards ahead of me, yet was big enough that it was as if I was at a movie theater. Slowly, two black things parted at the center, causing one half to go up while the other half went down. I noticed that I was looking at an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar person standing over me with a medical mask as he wrote something down on a clipboard. He looked from his writing, then to me. He jumped back slightly at the sight of me having what I presumed was an eye open. I then heard a muffled voice.

"What? What's the matter?"

'Familiar...that voice sounds so familiar...'

The person who I presumed was a doctor, turned around and said, "She opened her eyes-er well, eye."

"But-" the familiar voice said.

The doctor put down the clipboard and looked at me as he said with his head slightly turned to the side, "Yeah, she has no heartbeat..." He shined a bright light on my eye then put the light away, "yet her pupils dilate."

I heard muffled footsteps quickly approach to the left of me. From looking forward, the scenery moved to where the footsteps were coming from. Just then the sound of the voice made sense; it was Aizawa. He looked as if he hadn't slept in many days.

"Y/N! Can you hear me?!" he yelled. I then heard muffled shuffling about elsewhere in the room.

It was a good thing that he yelled cause my hearing started to fade as the two blind like shapes came back down, leaving me in the dark. It was like before; me floating there with black painted walls. The walls, ceiling, and floor seemed so close it yet felt so far away. I started to feel cold again. I crossed my arms hoping that I'd be able to gain some warmth, but I never did. There was then a bright light that lasted for a few seconds before dissipating. Once again it was dark. A few seconds later there was another bright light, but this time it seemed to have a slight shock to it. When that stopped, a short while later there was another one and it was stronger. Just as the flash of light and slight shock feeling hit me, a wave of warm air hit like a brick wall.

I all of a sudden felt like I had regained some sort of sense. My eyes shot open as I inhaled deeply and started to cough. Once my coughing fit was over, I began to breath heavily, and as I did, I realized that I was only able to see out of my left eye. I tried to move my head to look around more, but I was only able to move it a little before I got too tired. I just laid there trying my best to look around. As I looked around, I saw that Toshi was standing in front of the sofa as if he just jumped up from it. He looked mortified while Yamada, who looked as tired as Aizawa, was covering his mouth out of shock, and Aizawa was standing behind a group of four doctors that were packing something up. A nurse came in and took out an IV that was in my arm then left after a few minutes. After the nurse left, I looked around the room again slowly before closing my eyes again.

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