Chapter 111: It's official I guess

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I reluctantly shut off my alarm that woke me up with it's usual annoying tone. I tossed the covers back and sat on the side of my bed as I gathered motivation to go down the stairs and into the bathroom. When I decided that I should get going, I drew a bath instead of taking a shower. I had plenty of time so I knew that I could relax in a warm bath for a while. I tried to alleviate the anxiety of being the new top hero, having to say a speech in front of millions, and just being who I am in general. I took a deep breath in and held it as I slid underwater and stayed there. As I did I could feel the sharp pain in my chest that screamed to me to breathe. I ignored the want and stayed there until my body breathed in without me telling it to. The burn of water filling my lungs was unbearable, but I have tried to drown myself so many times that both my body and I have gotten used to the familiar feeling. Though I should be dead since I was no longer breathing, my body was now able to breath some other way since I have tried this stunt so many times. A wave of panic wasn't the thing that clouded my mind, but rather anxiety still.

I calmly sat up in the tub and punched my chest a few times to try and get the water flowing out of my lungs. Once it got moving after that and coughing, I leaned over the side of the tub upside down. The water then left my lungs completely as if the whole ocean was in there. Once all the water was out of my lungs, they stung cause they were now dry. As I got ready I coughed raspily. At one point my nose started to bleed, which when I drown myself, that is the only time that I ever get a bloody nose, other than when it gets broke. I got ready in my hero costume and walked out of the bathroom to feed Melody before I went up to my art desk to grab my speech. I took the piece of paper and stood in front of the mirror as I practiced it. I had it memorized due to a quirk, but I still held the paper since it gave me a sense of comfort for some reason.

When I saw that I should be heading to the conference, I crumpled up the paper and walked down to the living room where Aizawa and Yamada already were. I walked to the sofa, where they were sitting and said, "I'll be off. It'll take a bit to get there though I should be a little early. See ya."

"We're coming too." Aizawa said as Yamada reached for the remote.

"Yeah, we wouldn't miss something big as this!" Yamada said as he turned the TV off. They both then stood up and went to the door as I followed behind them. As I finished putting on my boots, he asked, "What's that you have in your hand?"

I looked down to the crumpled up paper that I forgot I was clutching to, "Oh, it's just my speech."

"Well you can't read it when it's that wrinkled." Aizawa said as he put his hands in his pockets.

We walked out of the apartment as I said, "It doesn't matter, I have it memorized."

"Wow, you're fast at memorizing stuff!" Yamada exclaimed.

"I actually used a quirk." I replied.

"Still, it's cool." he said as we got in the car.

On our way to the place where the conference was being held, I used a quirk that temporarily took away my anxiety and stress. I wanted to sleep it off and pretend I was one with death, but I knew that it wouldn't happen until the day was over; so instead of sleeping, I ran over my speech over and over again in my head. When we arrived at the headquarters at around ten, I opened my door to get out, but noticed that the two in the front didn't bother to get out.

"Aren't you guys going to get out too?" I asked with one foot out the door.

"It's too early for us to go to the conference room, so we'll wait here in the car for an hour or so before going in." Aizawa said as he leaned the seat back and got comfy.

I got out as I said, "Alright, see you guys later then."

"Good luck!" Yamada yelled before I shut the car door.

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