Chapter 175: Like a dream

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I awoke the next morning before my alarm that was set for eight thirty. I gathered my clothes before I went down to feed Melody. After that I went to the bathroom and got ready. I threw on dark blue ripped jeans and a black T-shirt that had a couple roses embroidered on it, then a black leather bomber jacket with a grey hood. I then decided to curl my hair instead of flat ironing it. Once I was satisfied (well, it was more like gave up cause no matter how hard I tried, I still looked like crap) I went back up into the loft of my room and dug out the dark red lace up boots that I had. I then went down to the front door and dropped them off before going into the pantry and grabbing a protein bar and eating it while I sat on the sofa. I waited there until about nine thirty, which was when I put on my boots and left for the mall. As I was walking there, it began to rain. I thought it was sort of odd that it was so cool out and raining, but whatever, it happens.

I picked up my pace so I could make it there faster. As I got closer, I noticed that Chikao was standing outside. Once I noticed that, I began to walk faster. When he noticed me, he raised his arm and waved to me with a smile. I too gave a small wave and reciprocated the smile. When I finally was standing next to him, I noticed how cold he was since he was shaking.

"You should have waited inside, you'll get sick waiting out here. Let's go in." I said in a slight concerned tone.

He followed me in as he said with a smile, "Well, hello to you too. I didn't want you to think that I didn't come, so I stayed out there."

"You're soaking wet; here, let me fix this." I said before I brought my hands up so they were level with my chest, then placed my left hand behind my right. I quickly pushed my hands outwards, activating a quirk that would instantly dry his clothes and his hair.

He quickly grabbed the bottom of his shirt and said in astonishment, "Wow! That's so cool!" then added in a kind tone, "You really didn't have to. I would have been fine."

I put my hands down to my side as I said, "Can't work in the lab when you're sick."

He then asked, "How are you not wet? You didn't have an umbrella."

"I used an invisible barrier. It's more convenient than holding an umbrella."

"It's so cool how you can use your quirks to your pleasure in the blink of an eye." he said with a warm smile that made my heart start to beat faster. "So, do you have any stores you want to go to?"

"Do you? If you do, then we can go to them first." I said in a nervous tone.

"I don't have anywhere in mind, so you can lead the way." he said, still carrying the smile.

I began to walk towards the first store, "I do have a couple in mind. I was going to stop by yesterday on my way from school, but it was too busy, so I skipped it."

"So, you live in the area?"

"Sort of? The malls sorta out of the way since I have to go a couple blocks off of the main route, but it's such a short distance that I don't mind." I explained.

"Really? I live a couple blocks from here, so I came here a lot when I still lived in the city. It was on the way back to my house so I stopped quite frequently. It's nice to see that not a lot has changed." he said as he followed me into the bookstore. "You like to read?"

"Yeah, I do." I replied quietly.

"So do I; what do you like to read?" he asked. I debated whether I should include comics or not. "I read just about anything, but I primarily like to read comics. I may not look like I do, but that's what you'll find me reading."

'He likes them too! I don't have to worry now!'

"Really? I read just about everything too, especially comics." I said with a smile.

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