Chapter 120: The Aftermath

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Once we finally made it above ground, I saw all that happened up there. It was a slight mess, but nothing as bad as how it was below ground. I felt lost for a split second because everyone was moving about frantically while I was just standing there with blood still streaming from where my appendage once was. I stared off into the great beyond until my attention was brought to Deku, who was fighting Overhaul. Deku had Eri on his back as he was fighting midair. When he made it to the ground, there was a bright light coming from him, which must have been from Eri not having control over her quirk just yet. It was hurting him, which I tried to erase her quirk to prevent any further harm to him, but I forgot that I didn't have my quirks. Thank god that Eraserhead was still able to use his.

When I took notice of him, I walked over and asked, "Are you alright? I'm afraid that I can't help heal people like I was planning, but I'll do my best to help."

He slowly nodded his head, "I'll be fine, but you should be the one who needs to get medical help."

Before I could say anything more, I was pulled onto a stretcher and forced to go to the hospital. There were many people in the ambulance, though I was the one on the stretcher. I hated it cause I felt like those around me were staring at me. I wondered if it was because I had lost an arm for the time being, but then I remembered that I was the number one hero. I guess that losing an arm and having that rank with people not knowing that my arm will grow back made them think that my career was over.

"What're you looking at?" I asked those who were staring at me.

Some looked away while one injured cop asked, "Your arm...Are you going to be able to continue on with your hero work?"

I threw on a smile, hiding the fact that I was in a great state of pain. "Of course I'll be able to. My arm'll grow back in no time, so there's no need to worry."

"It'll grow back?" he asked, somewhat mortified.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, like a starfish. It'll take about a week since I won't be able to just mend it back to my body with a fast mending quirk."

Once we arrived at the emergency room, I was quickly wheeled to an area where I was questioned about my physical state. I explained that I didn't have my quirks because of some sort of mixture and about my arm, obviously. Though I said that it'd grow back, they still knocked me out with anesthesia and performed surgery on it and gave me medicine so that getting my quirks back would happen sooner. They looked into the chemical and it was a substance that paralyzed quirks for a few weeks, so the medication that they gave me would make it so that my quirks would come back within days instead of weeks. When I was out of surgery and I received the 'OK' to move around the hospital, I went to go and try to find Midoriya.

I first walked down the hallway to see if we were on the same floor before I went to the front desk. Good thing I did that first because he was just a few rooms down from me. I knocked on the door before I entered. When I walked in, I saw that Aizawa was already there talking to Midoriya. I stopped by the door, "Sorry for interrupting, I'll stop by later."

Before I could turn all the way to leave, Aizawa said, "It's fine; since you're here, you can join us to go see Nighteye."

They then started walking towards the door, which I then moved aside to let them go first so I could follow behind. "Hey, Y/N, what happened to you?" Midoriya asked.

I explained as I tucked my dangling right sleeve into my hoodie pocket, "If you couldn't tell, I lost my arm along with my quirk for a few days."

I could tell that Aizawa was trying to not show that he was concerned for what happened while Midoriya asked in a grave tone, "Your hero will you keep on fighting with one arm?"

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