Chapter 184: Where am I?

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Yamada's POV:

I woke up that morning earlier than usual for a Saturday since I was up late at the radio station; I woke up pretty close to nine in other words. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed in a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants before I ran a comb through my hair. The apartment felt a little cooler than usual, so I turned up the heat a little so then it wouldn't bother Y/N too much. I then went to the kitchen to start making a pot of coffee. As I was getting the coffee maker ready, I tried to remember what it was that I was going to tell Sho, but I had forgotten. I was going to tell him something when I got back from the station, but he wasn't on the sofa or up, so I decided to keep it in mind. So since I forgot, I figured that it wasn't that important. Anyways, after I finished getting the coffee going, I went up to Y/N's room and closed the door so then I wouldn't wake her. That'd be the last thing I wanted. Waking her and her being pissed off? Yeah, no thanks.

Just as I closed the door, Melody decided that she wanted to leave the room, so I waited for her to leave so I could close the door. She then followed me down the stairs and to the living room. Just as I was going to sit on the sofa, I noticed that one of Y/N's comic books was on the coffee table. I thought that it was odd that it was out of her room since she's good at keeping her things in her room and not strewn about. I then picked it up and went back up the stairs again and into her room to drop it off to leave it on her coffee table. As I turned around, I glanced up to Y/N's bed to check on her since you could see it if you were standing by the couch. I was then going to leave, but I stopped and had to do a double take since I didn't think that I saw her up there. I climbed the spiral staircase and peeked to see if she was there; she wasn't.

I knew that she had hero duty after school, but she should have been back way before then. I debated whether I should wake Sho up and see if he's heard anything from her, but just as I walked out of the entryway, he was walking out of our room. "Did you make fresh coffee yet?" he asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Yeah," I quickly said before I asked, "do you know where Y/N is? She's not in her room."

I followed him into the kitchen as he answered, "She was asked to do the night shift."

A wave of relief swept over me, but then I realized that it was an hour or two past the time that she should have been off, "Shouldn't she have gotten off at eight?"

He hummed at the thought while he got out a mug, "I suppose...but she may have to work until ten. I know I've been asked to do it over night and had to go till ten."

"Okay, but I wish she would let one of us know."

He waited for the last little bit of coffee to go into the pot as he said, "Well if she's busy she can't message one of us."

"You're right, but still." I said as I got a mug out. I then sat the mug on the counter behind me as a smirk grew on my face. I then took a step forward and put my arms around Sho and rested my chin on his shoulder.

He sighed as he brought his free hand up and put it on the side of my head, "What is it?" he asked.

I then said with an attempt to have a purr to my voice, "I have an idea."

He paused for a moment before he balled his hand up that was on the side of my head and began to sort of pull a chunk of my hair, "No, I'm too tired."

I then wined a little, "C'mon, we have some time; and besides, you just woke up."

He removed his hand from my hair and tried to push me away with his elbow as he stood his ground, "Zashi, I said no."

I moved my right hand to take the mug that he was holding onto and sat it on the counter next to us before I spun him around so he was looking at me and leaning against the counter. My left knee was bent between his legs and my hands were on the counter on both sides of him as I leaned forwards, keeping him in place so he couldn't move. His face grew a light shade of red as he looked away. Once I saw that, the smirk grew a little.

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