Chapter 95: Catching people up

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I walked to the sofa, bummed out that I have to eat once Yamada gets back. I sat on the sofa with my legs crossed and my head resting on my fist as I waited for him to come back. I closed my eyes, hoping that I'd be able to get a little nap in.

"Hey," said Aizawa, making me open my eyes and look to him. "would you rather want to eat something else?"

"Hmm? No, it's fine. I haven't had it before, so I don't know if I'll like it...I hope I do...but I'll like the salmon though; I love salmon." I responded, hiding the fact that I didn't want to eat.

"I'm sure you'll like it." he responded before he yawned.

I closed my eyes again, hoping that I'd be able to fall asleep faster since some time was wasted. Just as I was about to fall asleep again, I had to open my eyes.

"Hey," said Aizawa again.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Zashi said that you apologize a lot." he said with a smirk.

I sighed, "Yeah...I took notice not to long ago." I mumbled to myself quietly, "I should apologize again when he gets back."

He must have heard me, "Why should you have to apologize when he gets back?"

"Didn't he tell you?" I said with a mortified feeling that he was now going to be mad too.

"Yeah." he said calmly.

The hurt feeling that I had of hurting those who take care of me so well grew. "Th-then you know why I should." I said nervously.

"Yeah, but why though? You guys made up I thought." he said.

"Yeah but..." I started but then trailed off.

"You were angry at him for waking you so much; it's understandable." He said, trying to help but the crushing feeling got worse instead. "He also said about this fear that you have?"

I turned to look to the wall so I wasn't facing him. "Mmm-yeah?"

"I didn't know you worried about us like that when we're out later than what we usually do." he finally said.

"Yamada said something like that too." I paused, "So?"

"It's not a bad thing, it's just that we weren't expecting you to worry over someone like us." he responded.

I scoffed before I said, "You guys treat me like family. How am I not supposed to be like that? Before I moved in with you guys, I never really worried about anyone cause no one took care of me like you do; except for Toshi though, but he wasn't over all the time like how it is now. So ever since I moved in, I've learned things about myself on what aspects of my life that have been...that have been pretty much ruined since I was alone for so long." I turned from the wall to look at him just to see that he was staring at me blankly. I turned away to say, "I know I'm an idiot but you don't have to look at me like it."

"Sorry, I was thinking; and you're not an idiot." he responded. I just hummed. "You know, it's supposed to be our job to worry."

I raised an eyebrow, "Is it now?"

"Yes, so you put that feeling of worry aside and concentrate that on something else." he said before asking, "So, how did you know where to find me?"

"I had this gut feeling that felt just horrible. The last time that I felt it I had to save someone from committing suicide...Anyway, that feeling woke me up, so without thinking I woke Yamada up, then teleported us to the warehouse that you were being held in. Then it all went from there." I explained. Just then I realized that I had killed people. I tried to hide the expression of realization, but I failed that like all of the other things that I failed at.

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