Chapter 8: The nights are darker than usual now

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As I walked to the station, I started to think of how Midoriya finished what he was saying when we were talking about Bakugo. It sounded as if he had a flashback from a past, painful memory. Now that I think of it, I think I remember Midoriya saying that they were classmates for the longest time and that they were friends before he was mean to him.

'I wonder what he has done to him? He sounded hurt.'

You saw how he treated you. Put the fucking pieces together.

'You're right. He has probably bullied him to the point that he would-'

I walked onto the train and took a seat as my heart sank to the thought crossed my mind. He is such a caring boy from what I got in the one day that I have met him; but then again, demons move around. We are scared of them when they first appear under our beds or in our closets when we are little children, then as the years press on they slowly creep from their hiding spots up to the darkest place known to man, the human beings own mind. It happens in their young teen years, later in life or really young; like me. I didn't have that sort of bed or closet that they could hide in or under, so instead they immediately went to my head; not really cause of that but for rather past events. Figure of speech, you know?

When I got home, I hung the key on its designated hook on the wall, walked to the dining table, and plopped my bag onto it. I let out a sigh as I started to feel my eyes getting heavy, but decided that I should eat first since I hadn't eaten all day.

Don't eat, you're too fat.

Not eating for another day won't hurt, right? I then went to the bathroom to take a bath and to get into my pajamas. As I walked into the living room I turn on the TV, hoping that watching a little would make me a little more sleepy since a bath kinda woke me up. As I sat there, watching nonsense, I decided to shut it off and walk into the bathroom for some reason.

'Why am I in here?'

You should cut. It will help you sleep, and if you're lucky, you will be able to sleep for an eternity.

I then got the sudden urge to cut again. The reason why I was so tired the night before is that I stayed up all night cause I just couldn't stop cutting. Blood loss is what brought me to my slight slumber. I picked up a little box, open it, and rustled around in it, debating what razor I wanted to use. I have many different kinds of razors and knives around the house just in case I get an urge. As I pulled out a razor, I looked at it from the side to see how sharp it is since some have grown far too dull to use; this one was a good one though.

I sat the box down before holding the razor to my marred arm and let out a loud exhale as I pull it back. I watched as the beautiful crimson red beads roll down the side of my arm to the floor as a sadistic smile creeped to my face.

'I love this feeling.'

Since you love it so much, dive deeper into it so that you kill yourself.

I then took the razor, started at the top of my wrist and drug it all the way down to nearly my elbow. My hand started to feel cold. I then did the same thing to my other arm. My vision started to get blurry, then to red, and slowly into black. When I woke up, my arms were covered in dry blood, which was cracking and crumbling off as I moved around.

'Shit, what time is it?'

I looked at the clock posted on the wall. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw that I had a little over an hour till I had to leave. I cleaned up my arms and wrapped them in the last of the bandages that I had before cleaning the huge mess that was on the floor. I then got ready and made a small breakfast; I made only one fried egg. I looked at the time again and decided that it was time to go to school.

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