Chapter 94: Guilt

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After I sat there for a while, I calmed down. Once I did, I started to doze off and eventually fell asleep. After a while I was woken up by Yamada nudging my shoulder. I lifted my head slowly as I opened my heavy eyes. I looked around and noticed that we were still in the waiting room, and once my eyes made it to the doors, I also noticed that it was still night. I stretched before I stood up next to him. I hummed as if I asked him what's up.

"The nurse stopped by and said that Sho's in a room now, so we can go there." he said quietly. I just nodded my head tiredly and began to follow him down a hallway.

When we got to his room, no one was inside besides himself. Yamada went straight to his side while I gave them their room and sat on the sofa. He pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and held Aizawa's hand. Once I got comfy enough, I must have started to fall asleep again cause I was woken up by a falling feeling, so I kicked my head back up and looked around again with tired eyes. I rubbed my face so I could try and wake myself up. I figured that if I were to go and do something I'll then wake up more.

I stood up as I said quietly, "I'm going to head back to the warehouse and see if I can find his stuff, then after that I'm gonna go back to the apartment and quickly do the report."

Yamada looked to me with a tired look, "I'll do the report so you can sleep."

"You stay here with him cause you never know when he'll wake up, and plus, there should be someone here when he does, and I'm sure he'll want to see you first; so I'll do the report." I insisted.

"Y/N, please, you need sleep." he ordered.

I shook my head, "I'll be fine, but it looks like you need to rest more than me. Now, I'll be back in a bit, see ya."

I quickly teleported back to the warehouse before he could say anymore. When I arrived, I was outside of the door where we entered earlier in the night. I went straight to the area where Aizawa was being held. As I walked there, I started thinking to myself why I wasn't able to see them in the warehouses the first time that I checked them. They could have inhabited the building after the fact, but it bothered me that there were so many things that belonged to the group, yet they moved there in such short time. As I made it to the only lit area of the building, I stood behind the piles of my victims. I hopped over them and looked in the back of the area to see if Aizawa's capture weapon and goggles were there. I looked around and even on the cart of various blades to see that no such things were there. I left the lit area and went to the back of the building to search the rooms there. I looked through four rooms before I found what I was looking for in the last room. The yellow goggles had a little dried blood splattered on them while the scarf was untouched by the looks of it.

Once I gathered what I needed, I teleported back to the apartment and walked to my room to start the report. Melody was sleeping on the sofa in my room, and startled me by jumping off of it. I picked her up after I sat the scarf and goggles on the coffee table. I walked up the spiral staircase and to the art table that I use for both art and writing reports. I turned on my laptop then sat Melody on the floor before pulling up the stool for the table as I waited for my laptop to boot up. Once it was up and running, I began the report. When I finished the first part, I gave a tired sigh as I rubbed the back of my neck since I knew that the rest was going to take forever. After an hour or so, I finally finished it, printed it off, threw the loose papers in a file folder, labeled it 'urgent', and teleported to the station. I walked to the desk that I usually go to.

"Hello there, Blank. What are you doing here so late?" the receptionist asked with a smile.

I handed the file over the tall desk as I explained, "It's an urgent last minute file. The scene will need attention as soon as possible."

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