Chapter 42: On the rise

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I was awoken by frantic knocks at my door. Since I didn't bother to get out of bed to see what was going on, it just burst open and I heard someone running to, and up the spiral staircase.

"Y/N, you would not believe the news!" Yamada exclaimed. When I sat up I noticed that he had my phone in his hand.

"Why do you have my phone? You know what, whatever. What's the big news?" I said, sounding tired and a little grumpy since I was woken up from my slumber.

He looked to his hand and handed me my phone as he explained, "Well, you left your phone downstairs and it started to buzz. I got curious and looked at it and I saw that the chief was calling. I answered it since I thought that it was something important, and it was. He wants you to meet him at the station cause you have a conference to go to. I guess it's about you "defeating" the hero killer, Stain...I hope you're not mad that I answered your phone."

'Mad? If anything I'm still a little scared of you. For all I know, you could try to kill me like earlier.'

"'s fine." Pushed myself to the edge so I was sitting on the edge of my bed. "Well then, I suppose I better get ready."

He said with a smile, "Right, I should be going then. See ya." He then left so I could get ready.

I was too lazy to put on my outfit like usual so I just used my one quirk that puts on my outfit instantly. After I checked that everything was in place in the mirror, I went downstairs to get a glass of water. While I was taking a sip I saw that Aizawa was dressed nicer than usual. I mean, he wasn't wearing a suit or anything, but he wasn't wearing his usual sweatpants. He walked to the door and put his shoes on. Once I finished the glass, I went to put my boots on. When I walked over, he just finished putting on his shoes.

I asked, "Where are you going?"

"We're going to go see your conference." he replied.

Yamada emerged from their room, wearing something that he always seems to wear: A black leather jacket with a white T-shirt underneath and black jeans.

Just as he walked over to put his shoes on, I asked, "But why? It's not that it?"

Yamada bent down to put his shoes on. While he did, he said in a tone which made it sound like what I asked was something absurd, "Of course it is! You're going up in the ranks!"

"Oh, I see." I paused to stand up "Well, I'm off. See you guys later." Just before I teleported to the station, I thought of something that I should ask them, "Oh, have one of you told Toshinori about it? Is he going to be there?"

Aizawa responded, "I'm sure he'll be there without one of us telling him."

"Okay...well, I'm going." I then teleported. When I arrived, I was outside of the doors of the station. When I walked in, I was greeted by officers telling me congrats. I was slightly confused but I accepted them. When I made it to the chief's office, I asked him what was going on.

He explained, "In about two hours we will have to be at a conference. It will be about you defeating Stain, the hero killer, and going up in the ranks because of that achievement; even though you weren't the one to defeat him. I'll explain more in the car. Now, let's go; we don't want to be late." I then followed him to a car that was waiting out back. When we got in and was on our way, he continued, "I'm sure you already know these things but a little refresher wouldn't hurt. If you get asked a question that you aren't comfortable with simply say , "No comment" or, "I prefer not to answer" or something along those lines. If it's something that a little white lie can cover up, do it; just make sure that it's not too big. If it's something that doesn't contribute to the topic, I'll intervene and try to get it back on track. There's nothing I hate more than when reporters get off topic. Anyway, I'm sure that you know how to act at a conference. You've done a few already, so I'm not worried what would happen."

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