Chapter 144: Moving into my old dorm

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I squinted my eyes open as I was blinded by the light that was on as I remembered that I was in the bathroom. I sat up as I rolled my shoulders since they were sore from the position that I was sleeping in. It seemed that I didn't pass out from blood loss like I usually do, so I figured that I may have gotten enough sleep to be able to use my quirks. Since the bottom of the tub was dried with blood, I used a quirk to clean it up. As I figured, I was able to use my quirk. After that, I took a shower as I had planned earlier, then finally went to bed to sleep more and wasn't woken up until my alarm went off. I didn't want to get out of bed since that was the best slumber I had in awhile. I eventually got out of bed and got ready for school. The day went on as usual and boring like all of the other days.

When Friday rolled around, it was the day that Eri was to move into the dorm room that I was living in for a couple days. As we walked to the car after school, Yamada said as he handed the car keys to Aizawa, "Here, I'll take the train."

Before anyone could say anything, Eri asked, "Aren't you going to be going back to the apartment with us?"

He smiled as he explained, "Every Friday I do a radio broadcast. I'd like to help you move, but I'm afraid that I have to get things set up."

Eri was clearly saddened to hear that, but she put on a smile, "Well, good luck. Thank you very much for letting me stay with you and providing meals."

"No problem at all." he said before looking to Aizawa and saying, "Well then, I'm off. See you later."

"Be careful. I can send Y/N to teleport you back home so you don't have to wander the streets." Aizawa said as he unlocked the car.

"Yeah, I can do that if you want." I said, agreeing with Aizawa that it is a little dangerous.

Yamada waved his hand, "Oh I'll be alright, there's no need to worry."

Aizawa sighed, "Fine then, but be on high alert."

"I will." he responded as he began to walk away.

Aizawa sighed again as he looked to Eri, "Well, ready to go?" She nodded her head before we got in the car.

On our way back to the apartment, I sat in the back with Eri. We talked about little things as she asked me about my day. As we walked to the front door of the apartment, I asked Aizawa, "Would it be alright if I run to the agency before I help you get Eri moving? If you want, I can generate a bed and other furniture that she needs and teleport them to the dorm before I go."

He thought about it as he unlocked the front door and said as we walked in, "I guess we can do that, help move her before you head out."

"Alright." I said as I took off my shoes. I went to the kitchen to drop off the bento box before asking Eri, who was standing by the sofa, "Ready to get moving?" She clutched to the front of her shirt as though she was scared. "I'll generate whatever you want and even teleport you there." then added with a smile, "It'll save time rather than driving there and walking all the way there to the dorm, carrying stuff."

"Okay." she mumbled quietly, looking down.

"C'mon, let's go get your things together so it's easier to teleport." I said with the best smile I could muster up. We then walked to her room and she began to gather up what little she had. I went to my room to find a box. When I got back, she was sitting on the side of the bed as she hugged the stuffed rabbit that I had generated. I put my hand on her shoulder as I said, "It's going to be alright. It's super safe there in the dorms. You get to see Midoriya and Kirishima and everyone else. You even get to live in the dorm that I used to live in! It's safer than living here, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

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