Chapter 123: Morning call

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The next day was the weekend, thankfully. I didn't want to do anything since I was burnt out from doing so much between the two days. I wanted to sleep in but that didn't seem to happen at all. I was abruptly woken up at five in the morning. Aizawa woke me up as he was half asleep, which since I was so tired I was fairly angry. As he shook my shoulder, I slowly woke up before shooting my eyes open, realizing that someone was trying to wake me.

I sat up quickly and yelled in an angered tone, "What the fuck do you want?!" Through the dark I could tell that he was now fully awake and shocked. I caught myself and said in a quiet tone as I held my forehead, "Sorry...I'm super tired."

He didn't answer for a couple seconds before saying, "You know what, it's understandable...Anyways, sorry to wake you but I got a call from the hospital that Eri's fever is really high and the nurses are trying to contend to that, but Eri won't let them touch her. She's saying that the only one who can touch her is you since the nurse said she kept on saying your name. So, I was wondering if you'd head over there and calm her."

I inhaled and exhaled slowly as I thought about it before reaching the conclusion, "Yeah...I'll head over; I'll teleport." I then threw back the covers and flopped my legs over the side of the bed.

"Thank you very much. I owe you one." he said tiredly, ending in a yawn.

I grabbed a hoodie off of my desk that was thrown there and a pair of jeans out of my closet as I said with a sigh, "It's nothing." I stopped at the top of the staircase and looked back to him to say, "As soon as I get back, I'm going back to bed. No ifs, ands, or buts; it doesn't matter what time it is."

He began walking towards me as he mumbled, "Yeah, that's fine, I'm going to be sleeping all day, so go ahead."

I began walking down the stairs as I said, "See ya later."

When I got into the bathroom I threw on my hoodie and jeans before quickly doing my hair and leaving for the door to put on my shoes. Once I did that, I teleported to the hospital and went to the front desk to go to Eri's hospital room. I then went to her room and as I closed in, I could hear her yelling. I began to walk faster so then she wouldn't disturb anyone else if she already hadn't done so. I pretty much ran into her room, but nurses stopped me. Just then one of the nurses said that she called for my arrival. They all backed off and allowed me to get closer to Eri. Her face was beat red, probably even redder. She was covering her ears and looking down. I looked back to the five or so nurses that were behind me, who were staring back at me. I looked back in front of me and put my left hand out as I activated the cooling quirk again. She noticed my hand, looked up to me with tears silently rolling down her cheeks, and slowly took my hand before placing it on her tear stained cheek and grasping to it. I sat on the edge of her bed as she held tightly onto my hand, allowing a nurse to walk slowly towards Eri with a thermometer. She noticed the nurse closing in and screamed that she wasn't to come closer.

I turned towards her and said calmly, "The nurses won't hurt you; they want to make you feel better."

She shook her head, "No...they want to hurt me...I'm scared..."

"I'll stay here with you until they go away, alright? You can hold my hand when you feel scared." I said, trying to get her to put a little ounce of trust in the nurses.

She looked up to me as she said in an unsure tone, "Promise? You promise that you won't leave?"

I nodded my head, "Yes, I promise. Now, let them take your temperature; it's not scary at all."

"How do you know?" she asked timidly.

"I've had it done many times. Want them to do it to me first so you see that it's not bad." I suggested.

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