Chapter 186: It's my mess

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Normal POV:

Exactly a week went by. How I knew that was because I would be told everyday what day it was. I was so cold and weak, I even lost my voice from screaming in pain within the first three days. I didn't have my quirks to heal myself, so I took it that what they were injecting into me every once in a while when I was awake was a quirk tranquilizer. It was horrible, they would torture me countless times a day. What seemed like every hour, they would spray me with water which would then freeze on me. I was covered in a layer of ice which would then crack off as I struggled to break free, which I tried as much as I could though I was so weak. I was sure that a huge window was open cause I constantly felt the freezing cold wind blowing on me. It was even too cold for me to handle, but then again I was only in shorts and a tank top.

Everything hurt; I was probably covered in bruises and cuts, I couldn't feel most of my body though when they were to torture me, it would hurt like hell. One day they thought it would be fun to use a power drill and put screws into my shoulder blades and take them out. Another day they stuck needles all the way through my right cheek, which they do that very often and sometimes multiple times a day. I lost count at the amount of times that they did waterboarding on me; same thing with using brass knuckles. On both of my arms, they sliced open almost all of my self harm scars by dragging a knife over all of them, literally taking off the skin that made up the bump of the scars. They said that they were going to do the same thing with my stomach and thighs, but they wanted to do those a week apart for their enjoyment.

Another thing that they've done many times is tying a rope around my neck and using a pulley system to pull up both the chair and I since I was still stuck to it. I'm sure that I have major bruising around my neck along with my wrist, ankles, and waist from the restraints. A couple times the grey haired man and the muscular one would play darts by throwing them at my stomach. I hadn't eaten ever since I was at school, so I was already starting to lose weight even though I was starting to look a bit healthier.

One day, they covered my feet in some sort of food and I had to watch as mice and other rodents would come towards me so they would bite my feet. Sometimes they cover my head with a bag so my senses are heightened, then they torture me while other times they dump water over the bag while I'm being injured elsewhere. I thought that the last time that I was kidnapped when I was little was horrible. That compared to this is nothing. I was able to heal myself that time, this time I can't. I'm somehow surviving. Honestly, if I were to die, I wouldn't be scared...I would feel relieved to be able to leave this literal living hell.

Once the week went by, that Saturday, a young lady who checks in on me everyday walked in with my phone. She's never hurt me or yelled at me, but I don't want to find out what she can do. Over the week I learned that I shouldn't talk without permission or look at anyone directly who walks into the room. The young lady always talked in a sweet tone. I tried to convince her to let me free cause she was so nice, but her niceness is like a switch. As soon as I asked that of her, she called in the huge man and he knocked me out in no time.

Anyways, she walked up to me and said in her sweet tone, "Hey there," I kept my head down as she went on, "I was ordered to take a video of you showing that you're still alive. We're going to send it to the four people that we sent the call and text to. So, tell them how you're doing or what's on your mind, alright?" she finished with a smile. I just nodded my head, which she then turned around and got my phone ready to take a video. Once she was ready, she asked, "Are you ready?" I nodded my head, which she then said, "Alright, take it away."

I tried to smile before I brought my head up; it was hard to maintain the smile, but I tried my best to keep it up. I lifted my head with the smile and began, "Hey there," I said in a quiet whisper since I lost my voice to that extreme, "don't worry about me, I'm doing fine. I'm sorry that this happened. It's all my fault that I'm here; I'm so weak and such a horrible hero. I'm going to get out of this on my own though. I'm the one to get myself in this situation, I can get myself out of it." I paused as I looked down at my hands before I looked back up with the smile that was masking my misery, "Please, don't come looking for me..." I all of a sudden wasn't able to carry on with the smile as I went on, "...I don't want anyone to get hurt because of my ignorance anymore."

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