Chapter 143: "Just fell down the stairs"?

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As I was getting ready, I began to realize how bad my hands hurt along with my head. As I was doing my hair my head began to throb. I clenched my eyes shut as I leaned on the bathroom sink. I then looked up to myself in the mirror. Aizawa wasn't kidding when he said that I looked like a raccoon. I slowly brought a bandage wrapped hand up to the band-aid that was on my forehead.

'Why did I do this?'

I unplugged the flat iron as I situated my blazer. I gave Melody her food before I went down to the sofa in the living room. When I was going to leave my room, I was hesitant to open the door. Though I knew that everything was alright, I was still fearful of being tossed out. I took a deep breath before I slowly turned the doorknob and left my room quietly. As I passed Eri's room, I couldn't hear anything, so I knew that she was still asleep. We weren't going to be leaving for nearly an hour, so it was fine that she was still asleep. I then walked down the stairs and to the sofa, like I had planned. As I walked out of the entryway, I noticed that Yamada wasn't at the table anymore, so I took it that they were both getting ready. I took a seat on the sofa and rested my head on my hand. A couple minutes later, Yamada emerged from their room. He walked into the kitchen and began making lunches like he always does, though he was half asleep.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, "Hey, I'll make lunches today. You can get a few more minutes of sleep..." I looked down, "It's least I can do right now." I said.

"You're younger and need more sleep than me since you're still growing, so you go ahead and take a nap." he said in return.

"Yamada, please; you have more to do than I." I walked further in so I could take over making lunches. "Go take a nap. I've got this."

He sighed as he shut off the burner, "I know I won't win the argument. Go ahead."

I watched as he began to leave the kitchen. "I'm sorry."

He stopped walking, "For what?"

"What I had done last night."

"Sho's alright; it really is."

I clenched the bottom of my blazer as I looked down, "No its not." I said quietly.

He turned around, "Y/N, it is. I've seen Sho be that way too." he gave a scoff that was mixed in with a laugh, "I'm just sort of happy that you didn't say you were running away. When I suggested Sho to seek help, he said he was going to leave me. After that I let it go and allowed him to vent to me whenever he needed. I should have learned from that...we should have learned."

I gave a hurt smile, "Thank you...but still, I'm sorry."

He said as he turned around, "Don't be; there's no need to be." he then turned towards me again, "What happened to your hands and face? Sho didn't explain that."

"I punched and head butted a boulder."

"Why? Are you going to be alright? Do they hurt?" he asked in a worried tone.

I gave a smile to show that things will be alright, "I was so angry; and I'll be fine. My hands hurt are a little swollen while my head is killing me."

"Do you want some medicine for that?" he asked.

"That would be great."

"I'll grab some."

"Thanks." I said as he went to their room and disappeared inside.

I began to make lunches, which was going to be the same thing that I made last time; steamed vegetables, rice, boiled egg, and a little thing of salmon. As I just found all of the things that I needed, Yamada came back and handed me the bottle of pills. "Thank you." I said as I took it. I then grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water before I gulped down the pill to try and subdue the pain. Once I finished that I gave the container back to him and continued to make the lunches. When I finished making them, I put them in the fridge for the time being before I went to the chair that was to the left of the sofa and sat there until I heard Aizawa come out of their room, which wasn't until the usual time that he came out, so I took it that he used that time to take a short nap. Soon later Eri too walked down. The first thing that she noticed was the bandages.

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