Chapter 52: Everything's my fault

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I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and a dry throat. When I stood up to get out of bed, I nearly fell over from how dizzy I was. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to grab a few pills for my headache, but when I looked in my cabinet, it was completely empty except for a toothpaste tube, a toothbrush, bandages, spare contacts, and contact solution. I made my way out of my room and leaned up against the wall as I made my way to the stairs and down them. Half way down the stairs I had to sit down because I was so dizzy. After I sat there for a bit, I leaned on the wall again as I went to the kitchen. I got a glass out and filled it with water. I had two cups before my throat felt better. I looked at the time that was on the microwave, it read 6:23.

'They should be getting up soon. I'll ask them what happened to my medicine when they get up.'

I then slowly hobbled to the sofa and laid there as I waited for them, but as soon as I laid down I got even dizzier.

'Nope, not doing that.'

After waiting there for a little over fifteen minutes, Yamada walked out and closed their room door behind him. He walked to the kitchen and went to cook right away. Since he was concentrating so much on cooking, he didn't see me walk to the counter behind him and lean on it since I was still so dizzy.

"Hey," I said, startling Yamada, nearly causing him to drop the rice.

He then stopped and placed both of his hands on the counter and leaned his head to one side, "Gee, Y/N, you scared me. I didn't hear you come down the stairs."

"I was down here. I woke up from such a splitting headache. It's so bad that I'm dizzy. Anyways, I was wondering, what happened to my medicine? It's not in my cabinet." I said nearly falling over in the middle of it.

"Hmm?" He paused as he continued but then explained, "I'm sorry but when Sho and I were looking around your room for, ah...razors, we kinda got the idea that we should also take what pills you have so then you wouldn't get the idea to, you it that way."

Understandingly, I said, "Okay, but can you by the least give me the dose of one then? I don't know how much longer I can go with this dizziness and this migraine."

"Sure thing; just hang on for two seconds then I'll go and bring them to you." He said as he stopped what he was doing. He then walked back with a bottle of pills and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said as I took it from him. Since I wasn't as weak as I was the day before, I was able to open the bottle just fine, but I was so dizzy that I couldn't. I handed it back to him as I said, "Can you please open it for me, everything is spinning." He took it, opened it and handed it back to me. "Thank you very much." I then took out two pills, took my glass to the sink and filled it halfway. I then put the pills in my mouth and took a big swig of water to wash them down. I tried to close the bottle myself but the room was spinning so much that I wasn't able to put it on correctly. I handed the bottle back to Yamada.

"Man, is it that bad?" He asked as he put the cap back on.

I then explained, "Yeah, it's so bad that when I lay down it gets worse."

He exhaled loudly then said, "I hope you feel better soon. Till then you can stay down here; it'd be too dangerous if you were to try and go back upstairs. Also, you don't need to bother feeding Melody, Sho said that he has that covered until you get better."

I walked slowly to the sofa as I said, "K, but I'll have to do something big for you guys when I get better." I sat down, "You guys do so much for me...I feel like I don't do enough for you's."

"It's fine; we don't do that much for you though, there's no need to pay us back." Yamada said as he opened the cupboard to scrounge around for whatever he was looking for.

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