Chapter 114: Hard day at work?

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I woke up on Monday an hour before my usual time. As I was getting ready, I debated whether I should put my hero costume in my backpack or if I should just use that one quirk to change since I'd be sort of short on time. I decided on just using the quirk. I walked out of the bathroom and down to the kitchen to make Aizawa and Yamada lunch since Yamada always does it, I figured that he could take a break from doing it today. I got some rice cooking in the rice cooker while I had the eggs boiling in the water. After about ten or so minutes, the first bento was finished. The second one was made in no time after that. Since both of the boxes had two compartments, I had steam cooked veggies in one, while the other had rice at the bottom and three small salmon fillets along with a hard boiled egg cut in half on top. I then had a little too much time after I finished making them, so I went to the sofa and sat there until I fell asleep. When I heard their bedroom door open, I opened my eyes tiredly and stood up to tell Yamada that I made lunches already.

I yawned first before saying, "I made lunches already."

Yamada turned around and asked, "Really?"

I sat back down tiredly as I said, "Yeah, they're in the fridge." He then opened the fridge to see if they were in there, which they were. "You can take one if you'd like. They're both the same so it doesn't matter what one you take."

He then took one as he said, "Thank you." I closed my eyes as I waited for the sound of their bedroom door to open again. Once it did I reluctantly opened my eyes again and stood up to stretch before going to put on my shoes. As I stood there by the sofa, Yamada said to Aizawa, "Hey, Sho, Y/N made lunch for us."

"Did she now?" Aizawa said as he walked to the kitchen where Yamada opened the fridge to hand the lunch to him. He opened the lid to see what I made.

Yamada exclaimed as he looked over Aizawa's shoulder at the lunch, "Holy crap, Y/N! You make the lunches that I make look like a little kid made them!"

I raised an eyebrow as I leaned on the back of the sofa, "Really? I personally thought that what I made was too simple and wouldn't be filling." I crossed my arms as I added, "You make better lunches though; and I won't guarantee that they will taste good, especially those veggies. I haven't made steamed veggies in ages so I don't know if they turned out...I didn't bother to test them."

"It'll taste good no matter what." Aizawa said as he put the lid back on. Yamada walked to the door to put his shoes on, which then Aizawa and I followed behind. When we got to the car and was on our way down the road, I tried to fall asleep again. "Don't you have to go on patrol today at noon?"

"Yeah...I'll leave when we get dismissed for lunch." I responded.

"Don't you need time to get to the station and to change?" Yamada asked.

I yawned as I said, "No, not really...I was going to use my quirks so I'd be able to stay for the first half of the day and still make it to clock in on time."

"You shouldn't rely on your quirks." said Aizawa.

I sighed, "I know, but it's convenient."

"Yes, but still, you shouldn't use them so much." He said.

"But every time that I use a quirk, it gets stronger and that skill gets sharpened." I explained.

"Alright, but you shouldn't get used to using them all the time or else you may begin to use them without thinking." He said as he rested his elbow on the center console and rested his head on his hand.

I sighed quietly before saying, "Yes, sir."

When we got to the school, I sat at my desk like I normally do and waited for class to begin. Before class started pretty much everyone came up to me and started talking about now I was now the new number one hero. Over the weekend I started to come to terms with the title, but at that moment, I despised the moment that I allowed the chief to put my name on the ballot. Thankfully not too long later class started and everyone left me alone. A couple teachers brought up the press conference in front of the whole class while others just said congrats while classes were changing. I was almost happy when lunch came around, cause I then wouldn't have to deal with people talking to me about my new status in the hero ranks. I changed and left right away as soon as everyone was out of the classroom.

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