Chapter 38: Some down time first...

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(OMFG! So, I had no idea how I was going to start this chapter/event so I was like, 'Alrighty then, I'll just watch the new episode of BNHA since the first episode of season four came out today'. I then was like, 'Well that didn't help but SHIT! It was a wholesome and good episode. Ya it was kinda like a recap for nearly everyone's quirks and probably labeled as filler, but I still loved it.' Then I decided to reread the manga [so it would be easier to skim through and find parts that I needed] part of this part so I could try and figure out where I could start. As soon as I finished it, I got an idea. Hope you like it.)

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't have a headache anymore; thank god. I then got out of bed and stood up. I decided that I was too lazy to go through the whole thing with putting on my hero outfit. I decided to use this one quirk that specializes in putting on and off my outfit in a split second. After I inspected myself in the mirror, I went down to my coffee table, picked up the key to the apartment and slid it into my pocket that had a zipper (I sewn one in on my pants since I feared that my possessions would fall out when in a fight). I then walked down to the kitchen for a glass of water. While I was slowly drinking it, I watched out the window. I happened to see out of the corner of my eye that Yamada was still on the sofa sleeping, clad in his hero costume. I didn't bother to wake him since he looked worn out still, even while he slept. I then started to wonder why he hadn't gone to work yet. I thought that he and Aizawa had to work too.

I then put my glass next to the other one from the night before, walked to the door to put on my boots, and teleported outside of the police stations doors. I then walked in and to the area where I clock in at. Just before I could, the chief walked up to me to inform me of something.

"Hello, Y/N. There will be no need for you to go on duty today, there's an over abundance of heroes that clocked in this morning." He then added with a smile, "You're young, I'm sure that you'd rather be back at your house working on homework or finishing up reports from fights. So you can head home and take it easy today; you've done plenty."

"Thank you, sir." I said, "I also brought the report that's due tomorrow." I pulled the file out of my arm since I used a storing quirk which allows me to store reasonable sized objects within my body. I then handed the file to him.

The chief said as he took the file, "Thank you. You always have such well constructed reports; especially for someone your age." He then opened it to make sure that the correct papers were inside and closed it once he was satisfied. "Well then, that will be all for today. Thank you, and have a nice day."

"Thank you, sir, you too; but wasn't I supposed to wake the criminal from yesterday?" I asked.

"Nope, we haven't gotten to his file yet so we'll wait till then. Now, be off and enjoy your day." he ordered.

"Goodbye, sir." I said before we parted ways. I then walked out and stood there.

'It's such a nice day out. I should walk back.'

I then started walking back to the apartment. On my way back, I happened to see Bakugo following the Best Jeanist. At first I didn't notice Bakugo cause his hair was combed and looked nice and neat, which didn't at all match his expression. Honestly he was more scary looking now than how he usually looks with his normal hair. I then started to wonder how everyone else was doing. When I did what everyone else is doing now, I was in my second year of middle school, and I was terrified. I didn't feel worthy of being in the presence of a pro hero. I wished that I was able to shadow All Might, but I got a letter from some company. Yeah, I was sort of bummed but hey, I was the youngest to do that.

When I got back to the apartment, I quietly took off my shoes, peaked around the corner to see if Yamada was still on the sofa; he was. I noticed though that their bedroom door was open now. I guessed that Aizawa must have gotten up already. I then walked to my room, clapped my hands once and used that changing quirk to change into black skinny jeans and a dark red hoodie. I then flopped onto the bean bag chair and stared at the ceiling for a while. After five or so minutes, I then decided that I should start the report about the villain from last night.

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