Chapter 56: The beginning of a journey

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I woke up the next morning at the same time that I did yesterday; eight o'clock. I got ready in the same clothes as usual; a pair of black skinny jeans and a black hoodie with a little green alien face in the middle of the chest. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I kept on looking at my hair.

'I want to try something different...'

I clapped my hands twice and my hair color changed from a light brown to a dark midnight blue. I messed with it for a minute before smiling with satisfaction about the color. I then walked out of my room and leaned over the railing to see if anyone was up. I noticed that Yamada was already up and correcting papers at the dining table.

"Hey, are they off training already?" I hollered to him.

He looked back and rested his arm on the back of the chair he was sitting on, "Yeah, why?"

"Wondering." I said before turning back and walking into my room.

As soon as I closed the door, Melody came running to me. I then ran around my room with her, so wherever I went, she followed. After about ten minutes of her running around and playing, she started to get tired and made herself comfy on my bean bag chair. I turned on the TV and watched some shows before getting bored of them and deciding to play some GTA5. I played that until they came back from training. I was on there for so long that I brought my level up by twenty. When I heard them walk in, I ran out to the railing and hollered down to them just as they walked out of the hallway.

"Hey, are you guy's hungry? I can make something for lunch again."

Aizawa looked up to me leaning from the railing, "Be careful, don't fall from up there." I then stood up properly. "You making lunch would be wonderful, but there's no need to make something big. Just make something small and quick since Hitoshi didn't do his homework like he was supposed to do before he came here on Friday."

"Oh, shut up you old man." Shinso said as he crossed his arms and walked to the sofa.

"Hey, watch your mouth." Aizawa said as he walked towards his bedroom.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see what there was so I could make something fast. I decided on making something that I made a lot when I was little while I still lived in America: grilled cheese with green olives inside. I got out the ingredients and the pan, then started making lunch. Once they were ready, I brought the whole pan to the table and let them choose what one they wanted. Once I called Aizawa and Shinso to the table, Yamada started to pack his papers away.

As he tucked his papers into a folder, he asked, "What are those?"

While I took the oven mitts I said, "Grilled cheese with green olives."

"Oh, I have thought about making some before, but I found better things to make." He said as he put the folder into a bag that sat on the floor. He then picked up the bag and sat it on the coffee table. When everyone was sitting, I then took my seat and told them to begin eating.

As soon as Shinso took a bite he looked at the inside of his sandwich, "What are those green things?"

"Green olives." Yamada quickly answered, then went on to say, "Man, I wish that I decided to make these earlier. These are so good!"

"Yeah, you should have." Aizawa said before taking another bite.

"Is it like a competition of who's cooking is better between Y/N and Yamada?" Shinso asked.

I tilted my head to one side as I thought about that question, but before I would think of what to say, Aizawa answered, "They both have such a talent in the culinary field that they are two good people to compare their dishes."

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