Chapter 135: Others safety is more important

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The next week was full of boringness and chest pains. Of course it was the worst when I was in anxiety filled situations and/or on hero duty and putting my heart under stress. After that uneventful week passed, the Wednesday during that week was boring like all of the other school days, but the hero duty is what set it apart from any other. Like I usually do, I went to the station to clock in, but before I was able to leave, I was told to head over to the next district over. It seemed that the number of crimes had gone up and they needed my help. So, I went over and began my night. I thought that it was going to be little things like assault or some sort of theft, but it turned out to be bigger crimes. I lost track after thirty-some people that I had arrested. I was starting to get worn out since so many little things were going on. I wasn't quite so used to dealing with so many things in one night since they tend to be quite quiet. Since I had to talk and deal with so many people, my anxiety started to fly through the roof, resulting in my heart beating faster and making my chest hurt. As the night went on, I could hear my heart racing in my ears over the sound of the loud crowd of people that I was looking over.

About two hours before I was to clock out, I figured that it was time that I was to sit out for a little while and take a breather to try and get my heart back down to its normal pace before I started again. Thank god that nothing too bad happened that the other heroes who were in the area couldn't handle it. I watched as a couple thugs tried to steal something, but then a hero came around the corner and took care of it. After a few minutes of me sitting up there on the roof of a tall building, I was called to a district that was in an urban area. Once I teleported there, I found that it consisted mainly of large apartment buildings with a good hand full of houses that were for the wealthy. I floated up and looked around for a group of officers or heroes. After looking around for a couple seconds, I found where I was supposed to go. Once I arrived, I was filled in by the officer that was in charge of the group.

"Wonderful timing, Blank. There has been a bomb threat, so we were hoping that you would be able to detect it by using one of your quirks; that is if you have a quirk that can do that." the officer explained.

"I don't mind having a look, but isn't that a job for the bomb squad?" I asked.

"Yes, but this location is one of ten that has been said that there is a bomb that could detonate at any moment. They aren't able to come here for another couple hours since they put out small teams to the other locations. This is the only one without specialized personnel. Officers and heroes who were on standby are evacuating the residents as we speak."

"Well then, I'll be going to have a look."

"Good luck." he said as I began to float up.

'How in the hell am I supposed to find a bomb? I've never used a quirk that could detect one.'

Just make up something already and finish this damn job.

'I know, but my heart is under so much stress right now that I don't know how long I can use a new quirk like that. I'm sort of worn out from doing stuff before this.'

Suck it up and quit being such a whiny bitch.


As I levitated above the evacuating citizens, I came up with a quirk that could detect a bomb. Once I figured that I had it ready, I activated it and had it so that I could sense a bomb from quite a ways away. Since I was already putting so much effort into it, I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep it up for too long. I floated close to the apartment buildings that were in the general area of where people were being asked to leave, along with the single houses that were spread about. From what I could tell, there was nothing, so it was probably just a false alarm and nothing more. Since I had wandered a ways from where I met up with the head of the group that I was called to, I knew that it was going to take a few minutes to get back to him and to report back to that I could sense nothing.

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