Chapter 7: Who is what now?

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Just as the bell rang, the door slid open and there laid a yellow worm looking thing on the floor. Just as everyone who was talking silenced themselves, the worm spoke, "If you came here to socialize, leave." Everyone didn't dare speak. It then shed its yellow skin, which just turned out to be our teacher in his sleeping bag. He then introduced himself as Shouta Aizawa, then immediately told us to change into our gym uniforms. As we followed him to a field where we were going to do tests, students were asking him why we weren't going to the entrance ceremony. He replied, "No time." We then had to do many different tests.

Normally he would have gone down the list alphabetically, but he started with me. "Y/N, come to this circle." I then walked there and waited for instructions. He then got the classes attention. "You all may not know who she is, though you should. Does the hero name, Blank, remind you of anyone?" There was then pure silence. I saw Midoriya have an 'ah-ha' moment as he realized where he had seen me before. Mr. Aizawa then continued, "Well, this is her. Though she already has her hero license, she still has to take high school like the rest of you, but she doesn't have to take certain courses that you all have to. Also, if a problem pops up and a teacher isn't around, alert Blank right away." He paused for a second to look at me, "Right?"

He then waited, expecting that I reply, "Yes, sir." I said as I nodded my head once, and as I did, I noticed that there was a slight murmur among the rest of the class.

He added, "Remember, everyone, that she is a hero. She has rules that she has to follow; ones that you guys don't have just yet. So, don't make her break those rules, though I don't think she is that foolish to do so."

He then turned to me, handed me a ball and told me to use any quirk that I'd like to throw the ball the farthest that I can throw it. I decided to use my weightless quirk on the ball and a strengthening one on my right arm. Which with those two combined I should be able to throw the ball into outer space. I then concentrated on the ball and the strength in my arm, pulled my arm back and threw the ball as far as I could. The tracker on the ball indicated that it was never going to land. As Aizawa wrote down what the tracker showed, he told me as I walked off, "I didn't expect anything less, good job." I then nodded my head as I took the compliment.

He only said that to make you feel like you're equal to him when you're actually less than him.

You're worthless.

You should kill yourself.

I articulated in a whispered with my teeth gritting, "Shut. Up."

As I joined the group of other students, he called over another student, starting at the top of the list like he was going to do originally.

"Wow, Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't notice that you are Blank. You're so cool!" Midoriya said as I stood by him, Uraraka, and some guy who wore glasses.

"Thank you." I said, looking down as my face turned red.

Uraraka spoke up, "So that's why we didn't see you at the exam a few months back."

"Yep, I was automatically accepted cause of my status...I guess." I replied.

The boy with glasses then walked in front of me and bowed as he introduced himself to me, "Hello, I am Tenya Iida." He then stood up and added, "Nice to meet you. Your quirk is very interesting. What is your quirk?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Not even I know. They sort of just...appear...ya know?"

Iida replied, "Sorry, but no, I do not know."

Uraraka then said to Iida, "Oh come on, Iida, leave her be. If she doesn't know herself, then she wouldn't be able to explain it to you." He then nodded his head and walked back to where he was originally standing.

Once everyone did their quirk tests, we went back to the classroom. We were told some things from Mr. Aizawa before we were dismissed for the day. I then stood up, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and left the classroom. As I was walking down the hallway, a blond, spiky haired boy stopped me.

"So, you think you're better than everyone else just cause you're a hero already?" I shook my head, but he continued. "You should leave UA and get out of my way." then stormed off. I shrugged it off as I started walking again, but just as I did Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida caught up with me.

Midoriya asked, "What did Kacchan want?"

I replied, "Well, nothing really, just that I don't belong in UA and that I should get out of his way." I pause before asking. "Is he normally like that?"

Uraraka and Iida shrugged their shoulders while Midoriya replied, "Yeah, he has been ever since middle school. Don't let it get to you, it's just how he is." There was a slight pause, "At least he wasn't hollering too usual..." He broke off as if he was remembering something painful. We then made it to the gate, said goodbye to each other, and went our separate ways.

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