Chapter 16: Let the games begin

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"Alright! Ladies and gentlemen! Let the games begin!" Mic announced, causing Mr. Aizawa to jump since he was spooked awake.

I didn't pay much attention to the actual game with everyone playing. Though for the first round, I was surprised that Midoriya won. I mean, yeah, he's the next generation for One For All, so what else did I expect; but he did just get it not too long ago and still doesn't have one hundred percent control over it like All Might does. I'm kinda glad that no one else won the first round. I think it would have gone to the person's head, especially if it was Bakugo.

The second round I kinda watched a little since it was sort of entertaining to watch people hash it out over a headband. Once that was over, the last round was that two people had to fight each other. Mostly all of the first rounds went pretty fast, but when it was Midoriya's round which was to go up against Todoroki, it was interesting. Instead of Midoriya defeating him, he made Todoroki use his fire quirk though he didn't want to, but learned that it's his quirk, not his fathers. Shows what kind of person Midoriya is. Now, that is a hero. Like come on, give this boy the first place medal already. Heck with fighting your way to the top, helping people is what a hero is about too, and Midoriya over-qualifies for it; but whatever, I'm not the one making the rules.

Once it got closer to the end of the festival and my time to fight, Nezu stopped by and told me to head to the waiting room along with a good luck. After about thirty minutes of waiting, I was told to go to the arena.

Once I stepped into the center, Mic announced, "Alright, time to introduce our new contestants! You already know the one, Bakugo Katsuki!" He paused before adding, "The other one you may know; she's the youngest pro hero, Blank!" Once he said my hero name, the crowd went wild. I didn't know that I was that well known. He continued once the crowd calmed down a little, "Since Blank is a hero, we had to make some rules for her. She cannot use big quirks to end a round immediately such as erasing a quirk, teleportation, pausing time, making her opponent freeze or anything else that would make her win instantly. She was also told to wear weights to slow her down." I then held up my arms to show the crowd that I was wearing the weights, then looked down at my feet and shuffled them about to show that I was also wearing them around my ankles. After a minute Mic continued, "Alright, let's start the final round!" There was a count down and before I could blink, Bakugo was already on the move.

'Jesus fucking shit! That was close! Damn weights slowing me down.' I thought to myself as I turned myself invisible and ran to the starting position that he started from.

"Where'd you go?!" He hollered as he looked around.

I used a power quirk to make me move just as fast as I would normally without the weights, though I was just a titch slower. I then used that same quirk to rocket myself towards him and punch him in the back of the head, then to the center of the arena and took off the invisibility, waiting to see what he would do next. I guess that I must have pissed him off because he came flying towards me and throwing fire. I then jumped up, levitated there for a bit, and waited for Bakugo to propel himself towards me so I could go back down to the ground and put a fair amount of power into a kick. Just as I expected, he did do what I was going for. When I kicked him, he flew towards the out of bounds line but caught himself before he could cross it. He shot up, then down, and as he did, he broke almost the whole fighting stage. With it cracking and crumbling, I fell over.

'Shit, I put my guard down!' I thought as I slapped the ground and up popped a brick building surrounding myself. I made a duplicate of myself, left it there, and made myself so that I could walk through walls, as well as being invisible. He fell for that too. Once he destroyed the building that I made and picked up the life-like figure of myself by the neck, the crowd gasped. I detonated the lookalike. It wasn't a big enough explosion to hurt him too bad, but just enough to spook him. Once I set it off, I went back to my opaque color and waited to see his next move.

Out of the combination of smoke and dirt, I saw his figure just lying there, but once the cloud of smoke and dirt cleared, he slowly got up to fight me again. A smile crept onto my face. 'Oh how fun this is, even though I'm holding myself back.It has been a while since I have had this much fun.' He propelled himself in the air and shot explosions at me; I dodged each and every one of them. I then flew up to knock him one, but I got too cocky. Just as I was within reach, he packed a good punch. It knocked the wind out of me and broke the armor chest plate.

'Shit, now I have to fight without proper armor.' I then dissolved the chest plate as I caught myself a foot above the cracked ground. Just as I caught myself though, he created a huge explosion, which covered most of the fighting arena. I had to quickly create a fireproof wall between the fire and I, but I was too late. I got slightly singed, but nothing too bad. Once I had rebounded back, I used my healing quirk on my few small burns.

After a few minutes of going at each other, I was going to throw a punch, but just as I squared up, the buzzer went off, "Blank has stepped out of bounds! The winner is Bakugo Katsuki!"

I looked down and noticed that the heel of my boot was on the other side of the line by a hair. I then put my hands in my pockets as I said with a smile, "Good game, Katsuki." and walked off.

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