Chapter 178: Natural disasters

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A couple weeks later and I was getting ready for hero duty since it was a Sunday. I was super tired and didn't want to get ready, but I knew that the city needed me...or at least I thought it did. That is the reason that gets me out of bed when I'm super tired and don't really want to get up. Anyways, I got ready and said goodbye to Aizawa and Yamada before I left. I thought about teleporting there, but it was nice and cool out and I had some extra time, so I decided to walk to the agency. I was starting to get a little excited as I thought about the fact that winter was coming around again. I love winter and the cold. I wish I was already winter, but sadly it wouldn't be for a couple months or so.

When I got to the agency and clocked in, I was told to go to a different district that I hadn't been to in a while. Before I left, I was also told to stop by the agency of that district since they had orders for me. I then took my leave and teleported to the other station. After making my way to the chief's office, I was told that I was going to be working with Fat Gum. I was kinda surprised that I would be working with him since I only worked with him one other time and that was when we had to save Eri. Before I left, Fat Gum joined me and we went off on patrol.

As we walked down the street he said, "I think this is my first time working alongside you like this. I believe the last time was when we were on that one mission."

"Yes, it was." I confirmed before asking, "Has there been a rise in criminal activity lately?"

He hummed as he thought about it, "No, not really; I think it's just that not that many heroes are out today around here."

"I see." I said as I looked down a sketchy looking alleyway.

"Hey, I'm wondering if you know Red Riot or Sun Eater?"

"Yes, I do."

He laughed before saying, "I suppose it was a pretty stupid question since they're your classmates."

"Only Red Riot is, Sun Eater is older than me."

"Oh yeah, that's right." he said before his attention was caught by a restaurant. "Hey, wanna get a bite to eat?"

'No, I don't wanna eat.'

"Sure, why not." I said as I followed him into the restaurant.

We sat in front of the window and watched as people walked by. I honestly didn't like sitting where we were since it was really busy in there and we were in pretty much the middle of the place. He ordered a lot, which I sort of expected, while I got something little like a couple rice balls. While we were talking, I watched a couple suspicious people walk by, but I didn't bother going after them since they didn't look like they were doing anything bad.

When we got our food he asked me, "Are you sure you got enough?" I nodded my head. "You sure you're sure? You could have some of mine." he offered.

I waved a hand, "I'm sure; this is enough for me."

"You don't have any protein though..." he then took a couple pieces of beef off of this plate and placed them on mine, "you need it."

"Thank you." I said.

"You remind me of Sun Eater." he said with a chuckle.

"How so?" I asked.

"You don't talk much."

I took a bite of a rice ball, "I'm just tired. I had to work through the night with a regular shift before that. I got a couple hours of sleep."

"Oh, then you have school tomorrow and can't really sleep in."

"Yeah," I said under my breath, "but since I know what we're doing and it's all easy, I plan on sleeping through the classes."

He laughed, "Who knew that the youngest number one hero would sleep during school."

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