Chapter 180: Bitter cold, just how I like it

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A couple months went by and it was finally winter. The cold had set in while my mental state had gone down hill even more, but I tried my best not to break the rule of using the rubber bands as a replacement for razors; though that was broken twice. Once I laid my eyes on the snow that was starting to accumulate, I was for some reason a little happier. When it was full blown winter with the snow storms and ice that you would occasionally slip on, you couldn't get me in the apartment. I was so happy that the one thing that I loved and would never betray me was finally here. I loved the cold, though it was warmer than what I was used to when I lived back in America, but I didn't care since it was still cold.

I woke up on the first day of winter break in higher spirits than usual; I even had to stare at myself in the mirror for a good five minutes making sure that I was really myself. I then got ready for the day in shorts and a tank top. I went down to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. As I was waiting for the milk to warm up, Yamada hobbled out of their room with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He walked into the kitchen and began to make a pot of fresh coffee. I hate the smell of coffee, but I guess I've grown used to the scent ever since I moved into the apartment.  

"Cold?" I asked him as he waddled over to the sofa.

"Extremely." he said under his breath.

I then asked, "Why not turn up the heat then if you're so cold?" He sat down on the sofa and hummed as he thought about it, but didn't answer. "Do you want another blanket?"

"I think so..." he said as he thought about that too.

I then activated a quirk to float a blanket out of the basket in the corner of the living-room and floated it in front of him, waiting for him to take it. He reluctantly pushed his hand out from under the warm blanket that was around him. "Thanks." he said as he took it and I inactivated the quirk.

"Seriously, just turn up the heat." I said as I poured the warm milk into my mug.

"But won't you overheat?" he mumbled.

I stopped stirring my hot chocolate as I asked, "So you guys are freezing your butts off just to make me happy?"

He didn't respond for a couple seconds before saying quietly, almost too quiet to be coming from Yamada, "When you put it that way..."

I snapped my fingers and the apartment started to warm up to a temperature that would be comfortable for them, "I don't think you'll be cold anymore." then continued to stir my hot chocolate, "There's no need to be cold all the time just because my room is freezing cold and that's how I like it."

Their room door shot open and Aizawa asked in a worried tone, "I think I died! I'm in hell aren't I?"

Yamada removed the two blankets that he had wrapped around him as he said, "No, you haven't died and no, you aren't in hell. Maybe you wouldn't be so hot if you weren't wearing three layers of clothes and sleeping under five blankets, plus your sleeping bag."

"Fine, but why is it so hot?" he said as he calmed down.

"Y/N warmed up the apartment so we wouldn't be freezing." Yamada explained.

"Oh." Aizawa said calmly before turning to go back into their room.

I laughed as I walked to the table with my mug. As I sat down, Yamada asked, "So, do you plan on doing anything during break?"

I hummed while I thought of something, "Nope."

"Nothing other than hero duty?"

"Yep, nothing." I repeated.

"Well then, I have a thing or two planned if you want to join."

I was now interested in what he had planned. "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

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