Chapter 59: To the top we go!

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When I arrived at the opening party, I saw that there were a lot of people. I wanted to hide in the corner, but I knew that it would hurt my reputation that Blank, the world's first youngest hero, is hiding in the corner cause she doesn't like to be in crowds. I walked around for a minute or two and as I did, some people stopped and started talking to me. I figured that I would have had enough human interaction for the next year. After about five or so people stopping me, I found All Might and joined him and David.

"Ahh, there you are, Blank. You arrived just in time!" All Might said as he turned from his dear friend.

David added, "Yeah, it's about to start. Did you just get here?"

"No," I said, "I was already here for about ten, fifteen minutes. As I walked around, people were stopping and talking to me; otherwise I would have joined you two earlier."

"That's fine, as long as you arrived, that's all that matters." said All Might.

As soon as he said that, the host of the event started to announce, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the I-opening expo reception. We at I-island hope that you'll enjoy yourselves. Now, I wonder if we can get All Might, the number one hero, up here. He's visiting from Japan; would you like to hear him say a few words? Come on, maybe a round of applause would help. Please, join us on the stage."

All Might turned to David, "Really, Dave? You could have warned me."

"This was bound to happen once they found out you were in town." David said with a chuckle.

"You owe me one." All Might said as he walked towards the stage. Once he was on stage, he started his last second speech. "Thank you for inviting me, it truly is a pleasure to be here. Formal speeches aren't my thing-"

Just then the screen behind him turned red and showed an alert, which made everyone in the room start to murmur out of a slight panic. A few seconds after it went off, an announcement came across the speaker system which said, "An explosive device was found on the island." then went on to say what everyone should do. Almost as soon as it finished announcing what to do, a group of villains stormed in and started ordering that we heroes shouldn't try to do anything funny, or that the regular people shouldn't move around. Just then blue rope like things popped out of the floor and tied up the heroes, including myself and All Might. I started to panic.

'Wh-what's going on? I-I can't move.'

You're tied up, idiot.

'I sh-should try and get out of this...'

If you do, those bad guys may kill someone innocent.

'Why not shoot m-me.'

Yeah, now you're thinking!

'Ack, this isn't the time nor place to be thinking that.'

It's always the time and place to be thinking that.

'Shut up.'


Once I calmed down I used my one quirk to talk to All Might telepathically.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Listen to their instructions so then no one will get hurt." All Might said sounding strained, then coughed quietly.

"Are you alright?" I asked, trying to sound concerned since it's hard to show emotion through an inner voice.

He coughed again, "I'll be alright, but I'm already starting to get worn out from keeping my form since you asked."

I then gave him some of my quirk energy so then he could hold up for a little longer without stressing himself even more. "I gave you some of my quirk energy so then you don't have to put more stress on your body than what you already are." I explained briefly.

Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAxReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя