Chapter 161: Made another friend

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I right away texted Aizawa to see where they were. They said that they were at some cafe, which he then sent me their location since he said they'd wait. I showed it to Chikao, which he then said he knew where he was going.

Chikao asked out of the blue, "Are those two your parents?"

My face turned red as I muttered, "Why does everyone think that?"

I guess I was loud enough that he heard me, so he replied, "Well, you sort of look like them."

"I'm not related to them at all." I deadpanned.

"Well then, how do you know them?" Chikao asked.

"Well...that question could mean two things. Are you asking how I know them from the first place, or are you asking why I know them well enough that I let them tag along with me?" I said.

He thought about it before settling with, "How about both questions."

"Alright; well, they're both teachers that I have at UA, which is how I know them in the first place. The reason why I know them well enough is that I live with them because the principal of the school suggested that for mine and everyone else's safety, that I was to live with heroes." I explained.

"So your parents wouldn't get hurt, you moved out selfless." he said in amazement.

My face faded back to it's normal pallor, "Yeah..." I said, not wanting to explain what really happened with my family.

"I'm curious, what do you do when you're not on duty or in school?" he asked.

"Let's see...I do play a lot of instruments...and I paint along with drawing a lot...hmm..." I stopped since I figured I listed enough. "How about you? What do you do during your free time?"

He got embarrassed and turned away, "Well, it may sound stupid, but I watch anime and such, along with playing video games."

I patted his back, "It's alright, I do those too in my free time."

"You do?" he asked quietly.

"Of course!" I said with a smile.

"You don't think it's weird?"

"Not at all."

He put his hand on my shoulder, "You are the best friend I've always wanted." I gave a warm smile in return, which he too gave me a smile that made me turn red as my smile did the same to him.

A little bit later we made it to the cafe that Aizawa and Yamada were waiting at. They didn't notice us arrive since they were sitting outside under an awning, so I motioned to Chikao to be quiet, walked up behind the two and put a hand on one of their shoulders as I said in the best menacing tone I could do, "You've violated the law."

They both froze while Yamada slowly turned his head towards me. At seeing their reaction, I couldn't help but let a smirk creep onto my face. Upon him looking at me, it took a few seconds to realize who it was. "You scared me, I didn't know it was you." he said as he let his shoulders drop from being tense.

Aizawa turned around so he could look at my new costume, which I asked, "So, what do you guys think?"

"You look mysterious." Aizawa said.

"I like it." I said with a smile.

"Aren't people going to be frightened of you?"

"At least my hero names not Lord Explosion Murder. I can change it to that instead." I said, which made Yamada laugh and Aizawa shook his head as he turned back around. "If you guys want, Chikao can show us around. I think it'd be a bit funner than walking around aimlessly if you guys still are interested in looking around."

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