Chapter 189: Another lead

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Yamada's POV:

That Sunday after we had received the video, we just lazed around the apartment after we corrected papers and got the next weeks plans all set out. I guess that ever since Y/N went missing, both Sho and I have been in a low mood, along with the other two who had been drug into this whole mess. Anyways, by noon we were already done with our planning, so we went to the couch and found something on TV. Nothing good was on, but at least it was mind numbing and took a person's mind off of things for a little while. I was sitting on the left side of the couch while Sho was resting his feet across my lap since he was lying down, trying to sleep.

Another thing that I had noticed is that Sho's been sleeping more that he used to. I wish I was able to sleep like that and forget about everything, but I can only sleep for so long before I get too much energy.  I also realized that Fridays are probably the worst days there are out of the whole week. I don't know if it's because I'm at the radio station so late when I could be using that time to try and look for Y/N or if it's because I find myself playing all the songs that Y/N likes and I don't even realize it until I'm almost done. Sho's pointed it out to me that Eri is starting to get skeptical of her being out for so long on hero duty that Mirio is now trying to keep her mind off of it too even though those two don't know what's really going on. I'm starting to think that I should tell Sho that we might have to start telling people that she's gone to America for a while. On the other hand, if the media were to find out or Y/N tells people the truth, it would look bad for everyone who's covering for her.

So many different things have crossed our minds on what will happen when she gets back and for when she heals from it; which we don't even know how long that will be. I try not to think of it, but I have to face the facts that I don't think Y/N will be the same after this. She's considered leaving the hero title behind already since she's done a great amount and has sacrificed so much. Since we now know that they're giving her drugs to suppress her quirks, Sho and I know that she also can't use her immortal-like quirk to keep herself alive. Each day that passes, we get more and more anxious since we know that the kidnappers mean business when they say that they'll kill her. We get anxious enough when she's one hundred percent healthy and a minute late from coming back from somewhere, so having her with no quirks and being gone for this long is just torture for us too.

I was just about falling asleep from boredom when I felt someone kicking my leg. I slowly open my eyes to look to Sho, who was looking back at me. I hummed as if I was asking him what was up. He looked like he was about to say something, but then he looked away. "What is it? I can tell you wanted to say something." I said.

As he looked to see what was playing on TV, he said, "Maybe we should go out and look for Y/N instead of sitting here and doing nothing."

I sighed, "I know, I really want to too and have even thought about it, but on the news it said that they don't advise people to be outside since it's the coldest it's been since this freezing cold snap started."

"We can wear layers."

"Yeah, but we'll still get cold. We don't even have the right boots, so we'll be the next ones to be getting frostbite. I don't want you to get frostbite; it's bad enough that we have to watch Y/N get it and we can't do anything." I said as I started to get a little mad at the whole situation. I balled my hands into fists as I said, "Why can't they find her location? This is an era that humans have quirks and highly advanced technology, so why can't someone find her using one or both of those advancements?"

I could tell that Sho didn't really know how to respond to that. He eventually said, "I don't know...but what I do know is that they don't know Y/N well enough to be able to find her as fast as we need them to; this is why we have to find her ourselves." He then stood up and took a step away before I stood up and drug him back to the couch. He fell down onto it as I held on tightly to Sho, trying to not let go of him. "Hizashi, let me go." he demanded.

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