Chapter 54: Gained another friend, I guess?

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(This chapter will be the starting point of the BNHA movie event. I wasn't sure where it was in the timeline...I should probably read the manga but where I was reading it, it got deleted. So, I'm still in the parts where I know what happens. Anyways, this is my story and such, so I hope that no one gets too mad that I'm not following the actual story-line...probably.)

I must have fallen asleep while I was watching TV, cause it was now dark and Melody was sleeping on my lap. After I shut off the TV, I looked at my phone to see what time it was. My phone read 1:46 AM. I changed into my PJs for what little time I was going to be in bed, and spent the rest of the night in my bed. When my alarm woke me up, I felt as though I hadn't slept at all. I got ready like usual with one eye open and went down to the pantry to grab a granola bar and ate that before I fell asleep again on the sofa. As I laid there, I asked myself why do I always get up so early, yet I then fall asleep on the sofa down here in the living room nearly every morning.

When Yamada and Aizawa were ready, we made our way to the school. School went on like usual, it was so normal that it was boring. When school was over for the week, Yamada drove Aizawa and I to the apartment then left for his radio station.

Just as I opened the car door, I asked Yamada, "Is it going to broadcasted at its usual time?"

"Yep, so be sure to tune in." he answered. I then got out of the car and walked to the door. Before Aizawa shut his door Yamada said to him, "You better not forget to tune in either; you're my favorite listener."

"Ahh, shut up. You know I don't like it when you call me that." Aizawa said before he slammed his door shut. Just as I opened the front door, he said, "It looks like the mail already went today."

I then backed up and took the mail out of the mailbox, which was a good size black box that was fastened to the side of that apartment. I opened it and took out its contents. I hummed out of curiosity as I looked at it since it was addressed to me. After I walked in and took off my shoes, I walked to the kitchen to get the letter opener, and opened it. I then read it, and as I did, a smile slowly crept to my face. When I finished reading it, I folded it back up and slid it back into its envelope.

Just as I walked towards my room Aizawa asked me, "What was the letter about?"

I spun around with a smile on my face, "I get to go to I-Island for an event. Only those who are invited can go ahead of time, and I was one of the few."

"It's a good opportunity for you, it will help establish your name even more. I'm happy for you." He said as he sat on the sofa, then laid down after he finished talking.

"Thank you." I then turned around and went to my room.

When I got to my room, I was greeted by the little white cotton ball with legs. I bent down to set my backpack on the floor, by the door like usual, and picked Melody up. I walked upstairs and sat at my painting table. I sat the letter in front of me on the table and just stared at it with a smile still on my face. Once I realized that I was staring at a piece of folded paper, I rubbed my cheeks since I wasn't used to smiling that long which caused them to hurt. After my cheeks stopped hurting, I texted Toshinori.

Me: Hey, you wouldn't believe what I got in the mail!

Toshi: Is it something good?

Me: Of course it is!

Toshi: You went up in the hero ranks some more?

Me: Nope, I got invited to I-Island!

Toshi: That's wonderful! We could travel together since I got invited too.

Me: Awesome, now I don't have to go alone.

Toshi: I also get a plus one, so I'm going to bring Midoriya along.

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