Chapter 58: Everyone's here

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When we started to walk down the stairs of the airport on the island, we were bombarded by All Might fans. It was horrible! There were too many people! I was able to teleport to the top of a building along with Midoriya after ten seconds of the crowd surrounding us.

"W-where's All Might?" Midoriya asked, sounding winded.

I had to take a few moments to calm down since I started to panic cause I'm not good with big crowds, but I didn't go into a full panic attack just yet. "H-he's still down th-there."

He walked to the edge to look down at the crowd in the near distance. I started to get scared that he was going to jump even though he seemed to be in a good mood. He must have noticed the concern on my face, cause he then took a step back, then looked back to the crowd.

"Why not bring him up here with us?" he asked.

I walked next to him and looked at the crowd too, "He's the symbol of peace, it would be rude for him to not meet his fans." I paused then said, "Here, I'll ask him if he wants help."

"How? How are you going to do that? There's too many people." he asked.

I used my quirk that lets me talk to other people without speaking out loud. "Hey, do you need help getting out of the crowd? I can teleport you to us."

All Might sounded quite worn out, "I'd love it if I was able to get out of this crowd, but if I were to disappear now it would probably give me a bad rap. Thank you for asking me though."

I removed the quirk then said to Midoriya, "I was right, he didn't want to leave."

He sighed, "How long do you think it'll take?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm excited to be here, but if it's going to be nothing but fans wanting to see All Might, this trips going to be a little boring."

I sat down with my feet hanging over the edge, which then made Midoriya express worry for me. I waved my hand, "Don't worry, now's not the time nor place." I rested my hand in my lap then continued, "Come, join me." He took my invitation and sat next to me, but criss-crossed his legs so they weren't over the edge. "We could go off without him and explore, even though I don't want to quite leave him behind."

"Yeah, I don't either." He said as he rested his head on his hand. I clapped my hands together and instantly changed into my hero costume. "Whoa! You can change into your hero costume like that too?! That's so cool!"

I smiled as I said, "You think? It's so normal to me now that I don't pay it any attention anymore." I then started to look around, "Wow, I haven't looked around yet. Look! Look at all of the cool machines and buildings."

He stood up out of awe, "Whoa! Look at that!" He exclaimed as he pointed.

I pointed in the opposite direction, "I like the huge harp, I wanna go see that!"

After we got done admiring the cool and interesting structures, we looked back to All Might and saw that he was finishing up the last few fans. I teleported us back to him while we waited for the last few people to leave.

"Sorry, All Might, for leaving you." Midoriya said in a sad-ish tone.

"Oh no, young Midoriya, it's fine. It's the right thing to do, to meet your fans." All Might said with his usual laugh and a smile. After we walked a ways, he stopped and said, "I have an old friend that works here on the island, and I was wondering if it'd be alright if you two would be okay with joining me to meet him." He paused, "Oh, and young Midoriya, please don't bring it up that you're my successor. My old friend doesn't know that I passed it on quite yet."

"I won't, All Might." Midoriya said seriously.

As soon as he said that, a blond girl with glasses, who looked like she was about our age asked, "Uncle Might?"

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