Chapter 98: One last hurrah before school

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After weeks of the tight schedule of waking up sometime between eight and nine in the morning, getting ready, clocking in by noon, doing what has to get done while I'm on patrol, clocking out at nine at night, being forced to eat something so late at night, get ready for bed, then actually go to bed. Nothing exciting really happened except for a few actual villains that popped up here and there, but they were no problem. A person is useless without their quirk, especially when they're knocked out, ya know? Anyways, a few days before school started again, Yamada insisted that we all were to go to an amusement park since we all had the day off. I was woken up at around eight-thirty.

"Hey, get up before Zashi gets in here and bothers you." Aizawa said.

I squinted my eyes open and pulled my blanket over my head. "Why do I have to get up? I wanna sleep in a few days before school." I mumbled tiredly.

He sighed, "So do I, but once he puts his mind to something, he won't drop it so easily."

I pulled the blanket down a little so I could glare at him as I said, "What are we even doing?"

"He wants us all to go to an amusement park."

I sighed as I closed my eyes, "I forgot he wanted to do that."

He started to leave as he said, "Hurry up and get ready. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back."

"Right." I said under my breath.

I then rolled out from under the warm covers and grumbled about going out and leaving the apartment. I grabbed a white graphic tee that had ocean waves on it, a black bomber jacket that had red roses with green stems on the arms, and threw on a pair of black jeans. I then went down to the bathroom and got ready. I decided that I was going to switch it up a little and curl my hair again instead of flat iron it as usual. I stared at myself in the mirror as I debated whether I should change into something more my style since I always wear hoodies and not really unzipped jackets with a graphic tee underneath. I figured that I should dress like that a little more since I have a lot of shirts that are always hidden by my hoodies if I decide to wear anything other than my usual undershirt beneath it. I then walk out of the bathroom, out of my room, and down to the main floor. They both were on the sofa. Yamada was looking at his phone intensely while Aizawa was nodding off.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

Yamada stood up with a smile, "Let's go!"

Aizawa stood up with a yawn and said as he followed the other to the door, "Let's make it a quick trip."

Yamada stopped at the door, turned around and said, "Aww, come on Sho! You'll have fun! I just know it!"

Aizawa slipped on his shoes while he said, "I'm not so sure about that."

I finished putting on a pair of dark red high-tops as Yamada put his arm over Aizawa's shoulder and said with a smile, "C'mon, you will have fun!"

"Let's just go already." Aizawa said as he reached for the door.

I followed them out and locked the door behind us while they kept on walking to the car. It wasn't that hot out, but I knew that it was going to get hotter as the day went on. I got in the car, buckled in, and we were on our way to some amusement park. I personally wasn't all that excited cause I've never been to any place such as that. I never cared to go when I was younger cause I never had anyone to go with, so I didn't bother to think about it; plus I was busy with other things such as getting the hero profession in line.

As we were going down the road, Yamada said, "I see you aren't wearing one of your many hoodies today, not to mention that your hair is curled too."

"Yeah, I figured that since I have a lot of graphic tees I should show them off. I also have plenty of bomber jackets, so I figured why not wear something that I haven't worn in a long time." I responded as I looked out the window.

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