Chapter 83: Company

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I woke up a few hours later, knowing that I must have passed out from using too much quirk energy too soon. I looked to the sofa that was below the cracked window to see that they were sleeping. Aizawa was leaning against Yamada, while he was resting his head on his palm as he had his elbow on the arm of the sofa. I looked out the window to see that it was night, then to where the clock once was on the wall. Out of habit I felt where my hoodie pocket usually lies even though I wasn't wearing a hoodie. I let out a sigh before I tried to wake the two sleeping on the sofa.

"Hey." I said in a raspy voice. I tried to clear my throat before nearly hollering, "Hey!" Yamada brought his head off of his hand and looked to me with squinting eyes while Aizawa continued to sleep. I smiled as if I was saying sorry for waking him, then whispered, "I'm ready to go; I want to sleep in my own bed."

He sighed quietly before whispering back, "I'm sorry, Y/N, but you have to stay here. If simply moving something, or in your case breaking something, causes you to pass out, then I don't think that your healing quirk is working as of right now."

"All I need is sleep. I can sleep back at the apartment." I whispered, trying to convince him that I was in good enough shape to go back.

He sighed again as he rubbed his forehead before saying, "Your health is more important, so please take it easy here at the hospital. That's one of the things that happens when you're a hero; you may be in a hospital for a while."

I looked down and thought to myself before looking back up to him and saying, "I understand...I'm sorry I woke you."

He waved his hand, "No, no, it's fine; I was kinda awake anyway...It's sort of uncomfortable sleeping here so of course I wouldn't be able to sleep all that well."

"You guys could head back to the apartment, ya know? I'm safe here at the hospital, so there's no need to worry." I said, trying to persuade them to leave so then I can sneak out.

"That's what I kept telling Sho, but he insisted that we stay here. He didn't like the idea that you'd be alone." Yamada said before yawning immediately after he finished talking. I just hummed in response. "Now, you should be getting some sleep too." He said as if he was hinting that I should go to sleep again.

I pulled the blanket up a little as I said, "I can't sleep anymore...would it be fine if I watched a little TV? Would it bother you?"

"No, go ahead, it wouldn't bother me." He said as he rested his head on his palm again.

I reached for the remote as he tried to fall asleep again. I turned on the TV and put on the close captions since I put it on mute. I channel surfed for a while before actually finding something that piqued my interest, though I fell asleep a few minutes later. I woke up to the odd sound of birds. I wasn't used to waking up to the sound because in both apartments that I lived in, there was no way to hear any birds singing. I almost hated it since it was kind of annoying. I patted the bed where I left the remote while I kept my eyes shut. Once I felt that it wasn't there I opened my eyes to look around the bed as I patted the bed all over now to see if I could find it. I then looked to the TV to see that it was now shut off and that the remote was on the table next to the bed.

After sitting there for a few minutes, trying to gather up motivation to get my day started. I then slung my feet over the edge of the bed to try and stand, but I nearly fell. My knees buckled a little before I caught myself as I held on tight to the side of the bed. I slowly let go of the bed as I took a step forward. My knees buckled a little before I caught myself again. I repeated that the whole time as I leaned against the wall, trying to get to the door. I figured that I should go see Toshi again for two reasons. One: I wanted to see him before he left the hospital. Two: I had nothing better to do and plus, it would give me a reason to walk and gain more strength.

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