Chapter 45: Video-games are like life

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I woke up to the feeling of something warm and soft touching my nose. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a white puff ball with its paw on my nose. I looked beyond Melody and saw that Aizawa was holding her. He then moved her so then I could sit up. Once I sat up, he sat her down and let her roam around.

"She's up." He said as he watched her walk around.

I messed with my hair as I said, "Yeah, I can see that." then stood up and stretched. "How's Yamada doing?"

He looked towards me, "He's doing better than usual. When a mission fails and/or someone dies, he usually comes home in a mess. Other times he has walked through the door and melted onto my shoulder since he was crying so much from the pain of not saving someone. I think this time he tried to act tough since you're here. Anyways, he's asleep right now. I told him to sleep it off; it may help." He paused as if he was thinking while he looked back at Melody, who was by my bookcases. "The only thing I don't get is why he would ask at a time like this to know about your past."

I agreed, "Yeah, I'm not sure either. I was hesitant to talk about it so that's why I looked at you cause I wasn't sure if I should say anything since he seemed really pained by what happened earlier. I didn't want to make it worse by adding salt to a wound. I really hope that I didn't make it worse."

"Trust me, he's a tough guy. He'll be fine." he assured me, "At least on the bright side now we know where you come from."

I too look over and watch Melody explore, "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"Hey, since we didn't finish our sushi from earlier, do you want to eat it now?" Aizawa asked.

I looked at the time; it was a quarter past five. "I suppose so, it shouldn't go to waste."

He then started to leave the room while I went to Melody and picked her up and brought her out of the room. He was waiting by the steps for me and when I caught up with him he said, "Ya know, it doesn't matter if they go bad; they were cheap so it's not like it would have put a dent in our wallet."

We then descended down the stairs, "I don't care, it's a habit and one that is helpful when you're tight on money."

"It's a good habit though." He said as he walked into the kitchen. He then whispered to me as he opened the fridge, "Don't let Melody go; I don't want her waking Hizashi since he's sleeping on the sofa out here." I just nodded.

"Should we then eat in my room? We could play video-games since we still haven't played any together. I have a few multiplayer games and I got extra controllers not too long ago." I suggested.

He pulled out the container and closed the fridge as he said quietly, "That's fine by me. I'll meet you up there."

I then started for my room. When I got just outside of my room, I stopped at the railing and looked down into the living-room. I saw that Yamada was moving about in his sleep and it was enough to gain Aizawa's concern. He walked over with the sushi, plates, and chopsticks, and sat them down on the coffee table so he could contend with Yamada. I took a few steps back so then they wouldn't see me. Yamada jumped awake and when he opened his eyes the first thing that he noticed was his most favorite person in the whole world. Aizawa comforted him since as soon as he opened his eyes he started to have tears silently roll down his face. He then re-situated himself and once he did, Aizawa brought his head down and gave him a comforting kiss. He then told Yamada something, then picked up the stuff that he had sat down on the table and started for my room. I quickly went in my room and lightly closed the door so then Melody wouldn't leave. I put her on the floor by my bookcases while I quickly flopped down on my bean bag chair. The door then opened and closed.

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