Chapter 112: Already put to work

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I waited about ten minutes before Aizawa and Yamada met up with me. I stood up as I asked, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, but we'll have to wait for Yagi; he said he was going to meet up with us afterwards." Yamada said as he looked around.

"Alright." I said as I sat back down.

"You did great out there." Aizawa said as Yamada continued to look around.

I tried to give a good smile, "Thanks, I-"

Yamada then whispered, "If we talk about the conference like that, people may figure out who Blank is."

"You have a good point." I said.

Aizawa looked around before saying, "Sorry, I should have realized that for myself."

I waved my hand, "It's quite alright."

We then waited for Toshinori to join us, which wasn't for a few more minutes. As we waited, I saw citizens who were at the conference talking about where they'd be able to get a picture with Blank. I gave a smug look as I looked out the window, resting my head on my hand. I began to wonder if this was how it was going to be from now on; people wanting to see me and get pictures and stuff. I thought it was quite troublesome when I was just the youngest pro hero, but now I'm both the worlds youngest hero and the top hero. I don't know what I did to deserve this, though I have done more bad than good. When Toshi arrived, we went to the car and made our way somewhere; and where, I did not know. I sat in the back along with Toshi, so I had to sit behind a seat instead of in the middle.

"Your speech was good; not to mention that it was fluent. I was kinda surprised at how much confidence you showed." Toshi said.

I smiled a nervous smile, "Thanks, but I could have done better. For how late I stayed up trying to write it, it's quite short. I personally hated it, but it got my point across...right? Yours was way better than mine."

"Did you use a quirk to remove the nervousness that you had?" Aizawa asked.

"Yeah, and to remove any anxiety that I had. If I didn't I would have been the definition of a mess." I said.

"You did well though, especially when you were answering questions from reporters." said Yamada.

I looked down, then out the window as I said, "Thank you." quietly.

We were then in the car for a while, which didn't help that traffic was what was slowing us down. I tried to take a nap while the three of them talked. I noticed that the longer that I was in the car, the worse I began to feel. It's not that I started to feel sick, it's just that my depression started to come on in a heavier wave. I mean, yeah I feel like shit all the time, but under certain circumstances a dark wave hits and lasts for a few days, if not weeks or months. I just started to feel like I wasn't going to be enough, and that I'll disappoint those around me along with those who I'm sworn to protect. I now knew that I can no longer try to kill myself or anything like that because if the regeneration time takes too long, even though it has quickened, or what if I'm down and out for the count when I get called to an emergency. I have to do more patrols now since I have to carry such a large title for lil ol' me. I opened my eyes and looked out the window as I watched the snails paced traffic go by.

"Hey, you alright, Y/N?" Aizawa asked as he leaned forward a little before turning around to try and look at me.

"Hmm?" I hummed confused, "Yeah, I'm alright, I'm just tired."

"No, your nose is bleeding." he said as he rummaged around the center console for napkins.

'Can this day get any better?'

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