Chapter 132: Positivity is hard to find

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I woke up sometime during the next day with the sun shining on my face. It was warm, though I was on fire, so it felt horrible. I inhaled deeply as I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Toshinori was on the sofa, looking as if he was bored out of his mind. I sat up quietly as I asked, "Since you're right there, could you please close the shade? I'm on fire right now and the sun is not helping."

He jumped a little from me startling him, which he then stood up to close the shade as he said, "Sure." He then sat down as he went on, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright; my chest hurts a little, but it's tolerable." I then looked around before asking, "Where's Aizawa and Yamada?"

"They're at the school."

"And Eri?"

"At the school too; Mirio's looking after her."

I nodded my head as I sat there looking down. "Have you heard what's up with my chest hurting?"

He shook his head, "Nope, it doesn't even say anything on your chart yet, but a nurse said that you'd wake up at around three so then they'd come in at around four to check up on you."

I gave a tired out sigh even though I hadn't done anything other than lay there on the hospital bed. After a few moments of silence I asked, "What time is it? When should they be here?"

He looked to his phone before answering, "They should be back any minute." I nodded my head again. "Do you have any idea why your chest would hurt?"

I shook my head as I thought of a reason, but couldn't come up with anything, "No...I don't know why."

"Has it hurt before?"

"Yeah, sometimes it would hurt on a normal day when nothing is really going on, but other times when my anxiety gets pretty high it hurts really bad, but nothing like how it was last night." I explained. He just hummed as he took in the info.

Not too long later Aizawa and Yamada arrived. They were glad to see that I was awake even though they probably knew I was going to be awake when they were to get back to the hospital. I tried to give a smile as they entered the room to show that I was alright.

"How are you feeling?" Yamada asked while Aizawa grabbed the clipboard at the foot end of my bed.

"My chest hurts a little still, but it's nothing too bad."

"They still haven't updated the papers?" Aizawa asked Toshi angrily.

Toshi stood up as he replied, "Yeah, no, they haven't been back at all to check on her, so let's hope that they will be back by four like they said."

"I hate hospitals." I remarked under my breath.

Aizawa sighed, "I know, but let's just hold out a little while longer to hear what's wrong."

"I know." I said in a bummed out tone.

There was a minute of silence as they all got comfy to wait for the doctor to come and say what was wrong. Once they all were sitting, Yamada asked, "What were you doing when your chest started to hurt? It was the middle of the night."

My face started to turn red as I replied, "Well...Aizawa said that if I needed to talk, I could do it anytime that I needed to. I know it was the middle of the night, but I kinda needed to lift a little weight off of my shoulders cause I was...I was in quite a rut; I still sort of am." I let out a frustrated sigh before I said to Aizawa as my face was returning back to its normal color, "I feel horrible for waking you since you probably didn't sleep much after that...nothing good ever happens when I open my damn mouth."

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