Chapter 187: It's everyone's mess

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Midoriya's POV:

Exactly a week went by after I had to go to an agency with All Might, Mr. Aizawa, and Present Mic. I was in the middle of doing my daily weight lifting when my phone buzzed. I put down the weights as I looked around for my phone. I didn't remember at first where I left it, but as I was walking around it buzzed again, which I then saw it buried under some papers on my desk. I picked it up and saw that I had received a text from Shouto.

Shouto: Are you doing anything right now?

Me: Just lifting weights, why?

Shouto: I was wondering if I could come over.

Me: You don't have to ask all the time, just show up.

Shouto: I don't want to bother you if you're busy with work.

Me: You're never a bother! If anything you make me concentrate better! So hurry up and come over!

Shouto: Okay, I'll be over in a bit.

I put my phone away as I stood up. I cleaned up a little so then my room wouldn't seem like such a mess. Shortly later there was a knock at the door, which I then just said, "Come in!" since the door was unlocked. Shouto then walked in with a backpack. "What's up?" I asked as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"I brought lunch...I sort of figured that you haven't eaten yet..." he said as he walked to my desk, which was where I was standing. He sat his bag on the desk and opened it, then took out a large container. As he opened it he added, "I also want to talk a, help yourself." he pushed the container towards me.

He had made rice balls, which I took one to start with. "Oh? About what?" I asked before I took a bite.

He leaned against the wall as he said, "Lately you've been staying in your room and not talking much. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but I have. Is everything alright?"

'For me, yes; for Y/N, not at all!'

I smiled, "Yeah, of course."

"Izuku, I know something is wrong. Please, I don't want you to be hurting."

'I know that he can keep a secret, but I don't want to risk it...'

"Sho, I'm alright; nothing is the matter." I said as I kept up the smile. My phone buzzed, so I took it out of my pocket as I took another bite and as soon as I noticed that it was from Y/N's phone, I almost spat out the bite of the rice ball that I had just consumed. I put in my pass-code before I went to the text and saw that it was a video. "Oh my god." I said quietly.

"What is it?" he asked in a concerned tone as he tried to see what I was looking at.

I shut off my phone and slid it into my pocket quickly as I said with a smile, "Nothing, just a wrong number. Sorry to cut it short, but I have to talk to All Might. You can stay here as long as you'd like."

Just as I started walking towards the door, Shouto grabbed the back of my shirt tightly and said, "Something is wrong. Why won't you just admit it? You know that whatever you bear, I can too; you know that whatever you talk about, I would never tell anyone."

'I guess I have no choice now...'

I let out a sigh as I turned around, which he then let go of my shirt. He followed me to my bed and sat down next to me. I started, "You know how Y/N hasn't been to school for awhile now?"


I continued to explain in a quiet tone, "Well...the reason behind that is because she has been kidnapped." I pulled out my phone as I went on, "The person who took her is sending out texts and calls using Y/N's phone. First we got a phone call, then we got a text that said the same exact thing as the call. Now I just got a video." I handed him my phone as I said, "This is the text." He took my phone and read the message.

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