Chapter 119: My own fight

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"There!" I exclaimed as I pointed to the left and began that way with everyone following me in the direction, then falling back within the group so I wasn't quite leading. "I can sense Lemillion, a small being- who I presume is Eri- and a strong being- who I assume is Chisaki. There are also a few others but they seem weak; proceed with caution." I said loudly as we closed in on a wall.

Deku then punched through the wall, resulting in landing a hit on Overhaul. He went flying a little ways, but not too far. When Deku made it back to the floor, a villain who was lying on the ground used his quirk and sent an arrow towards him, but almost as soon as Eraserhead erased Overhaul's quirk, he pushed Deku out of the way and took the hit. It wasn't a full blown hit, but it still hit his shoulder. Overhaul then used his quirk to make the ground shift, making all of us lose track of each other and unable to see where everyone was. Once it stopped, Nighteye noticed that Eraserhead, along with the one villain who was lying on the ground, were now gone.

"Deku, Lemillion, go and take Eri to safety! Blank, go find Eraser and the villain who's with him! I'll take him on!" Nighteye ordered us as he kept his eyes locked on his opponent.

Deku and Lemillion then went on with Eri as Deku broke a hole in the wall, bringing them to the colorless hallway that we were once running through. I was hesitant to move though. I had a bad feeling of what was to happen if I were to leave. "Sir, are you sure? I sense that someth-" I hollered out before I was cut off.

"That's an order!" he hollered back.

"Yes, sir!" I replied back as I turned to find an exit.

As I left them, I could feel my heart sink as the distance behind me grew ever so slowly. After running for a hot minute I came to a crossroad. There were five different directions that I could have gone down. I swiftly crouched down, put my hand down on the ground and closed my eyes to see what direction they went. I furrowed my brows as I clenched my eyes tighter to try and see the vision of the past. It was no use, I couldn't see anything. I stood back up and let out a frustrated and angered sigh as I looked down each of the tunnels. I closed my eyes again as I put my right hand out, trying to see that way down the hall in front of me, predicting how the hall goes and what's down it. After about ten turns I opened my eyes again and clenched my hand into a fist as I threw it down to my side.

I tried to think fast of what I should do. If I were to use clones, I don't know how far they can get from me before they disappear. I then remembered that when I was going to jump off of the cliff out in the middle of nowhere, I didn't know where I was or how far I was from the apartment. Since the clone seemed to keep its form when I wasn't all that close, it may just work for me to let multiple of them to roam around the tunnels. I created four clones and gave them permission to generate more clones off of themselves if they come to more crossroads. I know that the more clones that are generated off of other clones are weaker, but as long as I sense and feel what they are, I should be fine.

I then sent the four clones down the four other tunnels that were on both sides of me while I stood there in the middle as I watched them run. Once I decided that I wasted enough time, I too went running down the hall that was in front of me. As I ran along, I thought that if enough clones were made, at least one of them should make it up to ground level while others should catch up with other heroes and/or find Eraserhead. If that many were to come around, it would be a small percent that I, the real Blank, would find any of those things. I tried to clear my mind as I went down the gloomy grey hall. When I was in the middle of clearing my mind, I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder blade. I immediately stopped running and spun around to see what brought on the pain.

Once I laid eyes upon what cast the pain upon me, I knew that my plan of following Nighteye's order was going to have to be put on hold. I let out a sigh to get myself in the fighting spirit as I watched the villain in a mask that too resembled a plague doctor. He brought up his hand and straightened out his index finger as if he was pointing at me. Just as he did so, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek which was then followed by a warm stream that began to flow from it. Keeping my eyes on him, I brought my hand up and felt the area. Sure enough I was bleeding. As I wiped my hand on my jeans, I began to wonder what his quirk was. I didn't want to stick around long enough to find out more, so I tried to erase his quirk and knock him out. Once I thought that I did what I wanted, he didn't fall from being knocked out. I tried both of them again cause if knocking him out didn't work, then more likely he didn't lose his quirk.

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