Chapter 28: Boxing

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As I was boxing up stuff, I started to think. How did my name get into the adoption system? How did I get to this point that people are willing to let me into their home? Why am I okay with this? Am I really sure that I want to move? Do I really want to become a bother to a happy couple?

At this point I stopped packing and just sat on my bed, trying to think of explanations. The biggest question though is how did my name get into the adoption system. I got curious and decided to ask Toshi when he arrived; though it wasn't until about nine that he came over.

"Ahh, you're still up." He said as he took off his shoes.

"Did you hear?" I said in a slightly somber tone.

As he sat on the sofa he nodded his head and replied, "Yeah...I'm glad that you took the opportunity. I too think that it would be for the best. I see that you're packing. How's that going?"

I answered, "It's fine but..." I paused cause I started to feel an emotion that I haven't felt before; I have no idea what it would be. "but I don't think that you'd be able to come over like you usually do."

He then said trying to sound happy, "That's okay, we can meet at some restaurant or somewhere else."

I finally accepted the fact that things are going to be changing, "Right...right." I sighed before I continued, "Hey, do you know how I got added to the adoption system?" His expression went from sort of sad to nearly nervous.

"How do you know about that?" He asked.

I explained, "Well, during lunch you know how I had that meeting? Well Nezu told me that I could either be a roommate or how I read between the lines, pretty much their daughter? That is if they adopted me though. They could also foster me since one of them has their name in the system. I personally think that this is so stressful. I mean, I don't want to be a bother to them." I stopped then said slightly slower and quieter than how I was previously speaking, "I wish that things could just stay the same, ya know? Not having to move and not having to worry about villains attacking me out of the blue like before." I hung my head low and continued, "I wish I wasn't a hero at times." Then whispered under my breath, "Hell, I wish I was dead most of the time."

He let out a sigh out of his nose and answered hesitantly, "When...when you were little-I mean, pretty much when I first met you-I decided that I should put you into the adoption and foster network since I thought it was a hero-y thing to do." He then paused, looked down, and said in a melancholy tone, "But as I came over more and more to check on you...I sort of grew attached to you and I'm sure that you did too. I mean look at you now! Look at how much I have helped you. I know I'm the symbol of peace and the number one hero...but I used that to my advantage for you to stand in the position that you do today." He then lifted his head and said with triumph, "Look at how strong and mature you have gotten! I want you to become a great hero! I want you to spread your wings and soar, and this is the first step (I think) on the road to higher ranks! Don't be saddened by the thought of moving out of your sanctuary. Think of this as being accepted into the world of heroes. For how young you are, you're making such wonderful progress and I'm sure that thousands-if not tens of thousands- of children look up to you; for you are at an age that is closer to their own."

At this point I just stood there soaking it all in, trying to accept it that this is a big step I'm taking into becoming a better hero. As he starts to praise me on how well I'm doing, my eyes start to burn. Once he finished praising me, he noticed my expression and hugged me. It made me feel like I had a family. I started to cry again. My face had a blank as ever expression and tears were silently falling. I had no control over them; they just started falling.

He took me in for a hug, I tensed up since I still wasn't used to hugs, "I'm so proud of you." He paused, "I also never want to hear you say those two things again: 'I wish I wasn't a hero' and 'I wish I was dead'. You wouldn't believe how many people depend on you. Hell, even I depend on you; so do other heroes. Like Aizawa for example, when you saved him and healed him." He paused once again then continued in a soft, quiet tone, "Just...just keep on trying to do your best. I'll always be here if you need me." He then broke off from the hug to look at me as he said with a smile, "Awe c'mon, what's there to cry about? Hmm?"

I looked at him blankly as I touched beneath my eyes. I didn't even know I was crying, though my eyes did hurt. As I look at my tear covered fingers I deadpan, "How odd."

"You didn't know you were crying?" He asked.

I shook my head no then explained, "I think I don't know how to react when I cry cause I start to without even thinking, so I don't even realize that I am."

"Well, why do you think you started?" He asked another question.

I replied, "I think it was cause you were praising me. I have never received such a high appraisal."

He then started to laugh; though I don't know why. Once he calmed down he said to me, "Well then, with that out of the way, you should head to bed. You can continue to pack tomorrow."

I then walked to my room, stopped in the doorway and said over my shoulder sarcastically, "Yes, father. Good night." I heard him chuckle and say good night as I closed the door.

With my back to my bedroom door, I look over my fairly empty room with a stack of a few boxes in the corner. I walk to my bed slowly and I continue to stare at the barren room. As I pull my covers up over my head I start to get that feeling again that I don't think I have ever encountered until now. It's so weird that I don't know how to explain it. Anyway, since I was so wide awake I didn't fall asleep until near midnight.

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