Chapter 4: A clean house is a start, right?

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As I made my way out of the bedroom, I started in the far corner of the living room. When I decided that I had a decent size pile of dirt, I swept it into a dustpan and threw it out the door, then continued to sweep from where I left off. Once I finished sweeping in the living room, which was attached to the dining room, I then realized that I didn't have any cleaners that I could use to clean the kitchen and bathroom. I remembered that I still had money in my pockets from what I generated earlier.

I grabbed my backpack, new house key, and the money that I obtained before I opened the door and started my trek to the convenience store. After walking aimlessly for about an hour, I finally found one, but it was in a totally new area; a whole new district per-se. It was in an area that didn't look like the buildings had been falling apart for years and the people looked fairly clean compared to the ones in the area of the apartment. I walked into the convenience store and tried to read the signs above the aisles to see what is down each aisle, but I remembered that I was no longer in America with English writing anymore. I used my translating quirk once again and went about my way till I found the cleaning products.

When I found what I was looking for, I put what I wanted in the basket and started walking towards the register. As I was walking along, I got a little peckish and decided that I should get something for lunch and probably supper. I got a few instant ramen cups and made my way to the register, for real this time. After I was all checked out and had all the products that I needed, I made my way back to the apartment to finish what I started. I opened the door and that ripe smell of it being closed for years hit me like a brick wall again.

"Alright, I'll keep the window open for more than one night. Fine, be that way apartment."

Who in the hell are you talking to?

"The...apartment...I guess...I-I'll continue to clean."

Yeah, you do that.

I removed my backpack, took out the bottles of cleaners along with the few cups of ramen, and sat them on the counter next to my box of books. I started in the kitchen first. Working my way in and out of each cupboard and drawer, then onto the fridge. When I opened the fridge I nearly passed out from the horrible stench that was harbored in there. I was glad that I bought two boxes of baking soda cause I needed to use a whole box to try and get the odor out. While that was sitting, I started to clean the bathroom. I scrubbed the tub, washed the walls with soapy water and scrubbed the toilet which looked like it had a decent amount of mold growing in it. Once I finished with the bathroom, I went back to the fridge to contend with the baking soda. When I got all done cleaning every room, I slowly walked in and out of each room, inspecting what I had done and how satisfied I was with my work.

Hey, you did a pretty good job.


I then went and cleaned up before I went to bed. That's right, a bed...I don't have a bed. I sighed as I thought to myself, 'what should I do to make a bed?'

*Scoff* Use your quirk.

"Your right."

I then did something new that I hadn't done with my generating quirk. I imagined the item that I'd like, concentrated enough and it appeared before me. Though it wasn't a normal mattress, it was an deflated air mattress with an air pump. I then plugged in the pump and blew up the air mattress. When that was done, I pushed it into the far left corner, farthest from the door. As soon as I got the bed to where I wanted it, I did the same thing with my quirk to make blankets and a pillow. Just as I was going to climb into bed, I remembered that I had a stuffed animal from Melody's room. I ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed my backpack. When I got back into my new room, I sat down on my bed and opened my bag. Inside were a few clothes, a picture of my whole family on the one and only happiest day that I remembered, and the stuffed animal that I took from Melody's room. It was a medium size teddy bear that looked like it had patches but is just different pastel blotches, not to mention that it is super soft. I then sat my bag on the floor by my bed, climbed under the covers and fell asleep in no time.

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