Chapter 20: Pissed off and tired

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I woke up the next morning snuggled in under my soft, warm blanket. I didn't want to get out of bed since it was so warm. I was so tired from staying up so late that previous night, but it was for a good cause. I started my morning routine that I always did before I went to school. As I sat on the train, I asked myself what was up with that dream. I usually have ones about more darker days. Maybe it was because Midoriya asked me about how I met Toshinori. Whatever, it was a nice refresher for once rather than having dreams about death.

At the same stop as usual, Midoria boarded the train and sat next to me. He greeted, "Hey, Y/N."

I then tried to make a smile that was acceptable by society, "Hello, how did you sleep?"

"Ahh, I barely slept. I couldn't fall asleep." he said with a yawn.

I then said in a sorry tone, "That's sad to hear. I'm fairly tired too, but I'll be fine."

We then talked about little things until Uraraka joined us.

When she sat down Midoriya asked her, "Where's Iida?"

She then said, "Oh, didn't he text you?" We both shook our heads. "His brother, who's a pro hero, got hurt and is in critical condition"

"Oh my goodness, that's horrible." exclaimed Midoriya.

I added, "Yeah, that's terrible."

For the rest of the way we talked about Iida and his brother. The first half of the school day wasn't too notable. When lunch rolled around, the three of us went to the cafeteria and we each tried something different rather than what we usually ate. When we sat down to start eating, Todoroki asked to join us, so we let him. He then struck up a conversation with Midoriya and Uraraka joined in. I nibbled on a few sushi rolls, threw my trash away, and went back to the table to tell them that I was going to leave first. When I got back to the classroom, no one was there.

I let out a sigh and walked to my desk as I thought, 'Nice, now I can sleep. I'm tired both physically, and mentally, and emotionally I suppose.'

As I sat there looking out the window with my head resting on my hand, waiting for my eyes to feel heavy, I heard the door at the front of the room slide open, then a voice.

"What are you doing here so early? Lunch isn't even half over." It was Aizawa.

I looked over to him and as soon as I did, my eyes started to feel heavy. I responded, "I'm tired, so I thought I could take a quick nap."

He then walked over to his desk and pulled out his signature yellow sleeping bag, crawled in, and said, "You should eat too, you need all the energy you can get."

I then generated a pillow quickly, placed it on my desk, rested my head on it and closed my eyes as I replied, "I ate a little. Besides, I'm more tired than hungry"

He too closed his eyes then said, "So be it." He paused before adding, "Just don't snore, I want to sleep too"

I responded after I chuckled through my nose, "Don't worry."

After about a minute I drifted into sleep and didn't wake until someone slapped me.

"Hey! Get up, loser!" yelled Bakugo.

"Bakugo, don't slap her! Here, move." I was then gently shook awake to the point that I just had to open my eyes. "Hey there, class is about to start." Yaoyorozu said gently, sounding like an angel compared to Bakugo. I nodded my head, disintegrated the pillow I made, then proceeded to rub what little sleep I had in my eyes.

Once I situated myself, Midoriya walked over with Todoroki and asked, "Is it fine with you if he joins us for lunch from now on?" I nod my head. He then added, "Yay, wonderful." He paused, "Umm, are you alright, Y/N? You have dark bags under your eyes and you look paler than usual."

I then generate a pocket mirror from my hand and look at myself as I said, "Well, what'd you know, I guess I do have dark bags and look a little paler." I then shrugged my shoulders as I disintegrated the mirror and said, "I look like a raccoon. I can fix that." I snapped my fingers and the dark circles went away instantly and my more normal skin color came back. "Done. How do I look? Better?"

Midoriya was in awe as to how fast I could use a quirk. He then said in amazement, "Wow, Y/N, you always surprise me at how fast you can get used to using a quirk." He paused before saying nervously, "B-before you kinda looked like how Mr. Aizawa does when he's tired, which is usually all the time." He paused again, "BUT I DON'T MEAN THAT-"

I cut him off, "I know what you mean. I too admit that I did look like Aizawa." I finished with a little laugh. Midoriya then said he was sorry and I said it was fine, which we went back and forth like that for a few seconds before he went back to his desk, leaving Todoroki standing there by my desk.

"I'm sorry about my dad." he said with a blank expression.

"Hmm?" I paused to think of when I talked to Endeavor last. I then remembered and said, "Oh! It's fine. You don't need to apologize."

He then said in a confused tone, "But he said that you were stuttering when you talked and ran off as soon as All Might arrived."

I said nervously, "O-oh, that. It-it was just at a bad time."

He then said understandingly, "Well, again, I'm sorry about my dad being a jerk to you. I don't know what he said, but you can just forget about it. Whatever he says isn't important, ever." then walked to his desk.

Class then started a few minutes after everyone was in their seats. The rest of the day wasn't memorable either, except for the part that I was so tired and I wanted to get home so I teleported there. I was too angry from being tired that I didn't want to ride the train and wanted to get home as soon as possible. When I got home, I flopped onto the sofa and as soon as I hit it, I fell asleep instantly. When I woke up, I was on a hard, cold, and damp concrete floor.

"Would you look at that, sleeping beauty is finally awake."

I opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by villains of many ranks.

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