Chapter 86: I wanted to be home alone

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I woke up the next day at around ten. I was surprised that I woke up at a somewhat normal time for me. I sat up on the sofa and gave it some effort to try and stand up. I took a step and heard a crackling sound. I stepped back one pace and looked where I just stepped, then noticed that there was a piece of paper. I picked it up and the first thing that I noticed was that along some of the edges were cat bite marks. I looked to Melody, who was sitting on the sofa, and gave her a 'why must you chew on things' look. She just looked back at me as if nothing happened. I then looked back to the paper and began to read it.

We were called in so we aren't sure what time we'll be back. Please try and be careful so you don't fall, especially down the stairs.


I made a quick lunch for you that's in the fridge. It's kinda sloppily made but it should be edible. Have fun and don't party too hard while we're out!


I chuckled at how they each always write a note. I dropped it onto the coffee table and watched it float down. I then start to walk out of my room. Just as I made it to the doorway, I heard that Melody jumped off of the sofa and began to follow me. When I got to the stairs I figured that I should slide down them like the five year old that I am to prevent myself from falling down them. I could have relied on my quirks, but I didn't know how powerful they would be just yet.

Once I made it down to the main floor, I walked with a slight wobble as I made it to the kitchen. I was faster at walking than how I was the previous days, so it was clear that I was getting better. When I made it to the kitchen, I opened the fridge to see what Yamada had made. It was a little bento box with rice balls.

'What did he mean that they'd be a little sloppy looking? Those look so good! Too bad that I'm not hungry right now.'

There was a knock at the front door that startled me, causing me to slam the fridge door shut. I then quickly turned around to go answer the door. Just as I entered the entryway, there was another knock at the door. I then opened the door cautiously since I didn't know who it was. When I peeked around the door, I saw that it was Shinso.

"Oh, hi, Y/N. Is Aizawa and Yamada home?" he asked.

"Nope, they got called in." I replied, "Would you like to come in?"

He walked in, "Thanks." then asked as he took off his shoes, "Why weren't you called in too?"

"I'm still healing from the trip." I said in a tone, trying to say it as if I didn't want to talk about it, which I really didn't.

He stood up and situated his bag that was over one shoulder, "That's right! How are you doing? You must be doing better since you're back here already."

I gave it a nervous chuckle as we walked out of the entryway, "Actually I left the hospital without permission. I'm doing way better than how I was doing a few days ago though."

"It's good to hear that you're getting better." he then looked around as he asked, "Have you eaten already?"

"Mmm-no...would you like to eat something?" I asked as I took a seat at the table.

He too sat down, "I mean, if you aren't hungry then I can wait."

"It's fine, I'll get something." I said as I stood up pretty much as soon as I sat down, then started for the kitchen.

He shot up from his chair, "You don't have to do that! If you aren't feeling well you then don't have to make anything."

I waved my hand to the side as I kept on walking, "It's fine, Yamada made a quick lunch before he left. It's not much, but it's something if you'd want that; it's rice balls."

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