Chapter 109: The Results

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A couple weeks went on and as they did, I felt relief since I knew that I didn't get the most votes to become the next top hero; though on the other hand I hadn't heard about any updates with it. I didn't care though. The longer that I didn't hear anything, the better. I woke up one Friday, happy that it was the last day of school for the week before the weekend. I wasn't up for doing my normal patrolling after school, but it didn't matter too much since things have been quiet lately. I got out of bed and fed Melody like I usually do before I get ready in the bathroom. I adjusted my undershirt's sleeve as I walked out of my room since it felt weird with bandages underneath it.

The night before was quite dark compared to normal nights. I couldn't get to sleep at all since my mind kept on running through past memories. Around midnight I couldn't take anymore and decided to cut so much that I'd pass out from blood loss. I could have hung in there all night, but I was bound to cut since past memories are what bring those buried scars to the surface. I wanted to cut so it didn't matter. It was a win-win if you ask me since I did what I felt I needed to do and passed out from it which allowed me to sleep.

I gave a deep breath as I took a seat on the sofa down in the living-room. I tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't since the past memories were still playing in my head. It was like they were stuck on replay and they couldn't stop. I know that if I were to try and kill myself again, it would be no help since they'd only get worse, and not to mention that I just won't die. It's not that I don't want to die, it's that my damn quirks won't let me. I feel like I'm stuck in a position where I don't want to be and I cannot control it. I gave those feelings a sigh as I fell on my side gently, being careful to not reopen the previous nights battle wounds. I stared at the ceiling as I tried to clear my head by trying to plan out what I should do after I get off of hero duty and what I should do over the weekend. As I was in the middle of clearing my mind, Yamada walked out earlier than what he usually did.

I took a hold of the back of the sofa and pulled myself up to look towards the kitchen to say, "You're up and out earlier than usual."

He was throwing rice into a rice cooker, "Yeah, I forgot to make lunches."

"You don't always have to make lunches." I paused before suggesting, "I could do them sometimes when you don't have time."

He put a pan on the stove to get it heating while he grabbed out the carton of eggs and a few veggies out of the fridge. "It's up to you." he said in a tone that said he was busy.

I stood up and walked to the counter to sit on the stool there so we didn't have to practically yell across the room and disturb Aizawa, who was more than likely sleeping still. "Don't you make yourself a lunch too? I've noticed that you only make two as of recently."

He cracked an egg, making the area fill with the sizzling sound of a nice warm egg. "I've been too busy to eat some days."

"So you know ahead of time when you'll be too busy?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I have a feeling when I wake up." he said as he contended to the wonderful smelling egg.

I put my elbow on the counter and rested my chin on my fist, "Well alright then...but you should make something since it's Friday and you'll be at the station."

"I'll just grab something from the convenience store." He said as he quickly jumped over to the rice cooker and messed with that.

"I'll have to make lunches sometime...probably next week." I said as Melody jumped onto the counter, which I then picked her up and sat her on my lap. He didn't answer. Shortly later Aizawa walked out with a yawn and went to the sofa upon seeing that Yamada was still in the kitchen. I turned so I was facing their room door since I was still resting my head on my hand. I looked at Aizawa as I said calmly, "Hey, I forgot to tell you's that a few weeks ago when I had to come home alone cause you guys left right away, I went to the mall after school to pick up a few things. On my way there some creepy looking dude stopped me in an alleyway and was trying to get a hold on me. I-"

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