Chapter 18: You save people for a living, but this time it's different

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Once the award ceremony was over, I waited until just about everyone was gone. I stopped by the classroom since I left my bag there. Just as I walked out, I heard voices. I stood still for a moment as I tried to listen as to who they were. I started walking in the voices direction until I realized that it was Midoriya and Uraraka. Once I joined them, we walked together as we talked.

"Oh hey, Y/N, what'cha doing over here by the classrooms?" Uraraka asked.

"I left my bag in the classroom, so I went to pick it up. Why are you guys over here?" I asked in return.

"We were looking for you. We wanted to tell you that you looked so cool fighting Kacchan! I thought you would have won though." Midoriya said, kind of disappointed towards the end.

I leaned in and whispered, "Just between us three, I was told by Nezu to put up a fight for a while, but then give in so the opponent will win." I then leaned back and continued, "Honestly, it was starting to get boring." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I suppose it would since you had some of your quirks restricted, plus you had to wear weights to slow down your moves." Midoriya said as if he was thinking.

Uraraka then said with a smile and in a cheerful tone, "At least you had fun though, right?"

I then said in the best happy tone that I could muster up, "Yes, that's true. So how about you guys? You guys did pretty well too!"

"Thanks." Uraraka said in her still cheerful tone.

"Th-thank you." Midoriya said kind of sheepishly.

"Oh, come on, Deku, what are you getting all embarrassed about?" Uraraka asked as she lightly punched his shoulder.

"Well, I was complimented by a hero. Not everyday are you complimented by one and on top of that, having a classmate as a pro hero." Midoriya explained quietly.

I gave a little chuckle with a slight smile, you know, the one smile that doesn't make me look like a serial killer. Anyway, when we made it to the front gate, Uraraka had to go a different way rather than taking the train that both Midoriya and I rode.

As we walked to the train station, I said with my hands in my pockets like usual, "You know, that was pretty cool of how you were able to get Todoroki to use his fire quirk."

He then said hesitantly, "Really?"

"Of course! In my opinion you should have gotten a medal for being nice enough to pretty much give up your chance at winning the match and getting him to understand that it's his quirk, not his dad's." I paused as I thought about what I said, "I-I mean...I don't mean to sound that mean it was just that-"

I was cut off by Midoriya, "It's fine, I know what you mean." He said with a smile, but it seemed oddly fake.

Once we made it to the station we boarded the train and sat down. At one of the stops someone sat down next to Midoriya and when the person sat down they must have bumped into him cause his sleeve of his uniform and undershirt got pushed back and showed his wrist. He quickly pulled it back down and looked in the other direction, facing away from me. I open my mouth to ask him if he was okay since he clearly wasn't, but nothing escaped my mouth.

Don't bother him. He'll think he's being a bother to you when you are being the bother. Just leave him be, you know how it feels when someone finds out.

I then let a sigh out of my nose and waited for my stop since it was two after Midoriya's. When it was his turn to get off, I was sure to say, "See you later! I'll text you later too, I was going to ask you something, but I forgot it." The last part was kinda a lie. Yes, I was going to text him, but I didn't forget what I was going to say to him.

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